Chapter Fourteen

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"Lena, what are you doing out of bed?" Kara ran to her.

Her friends exchanged knowing looks but had the same question. Lena had been at the DEO a few times but she had never showed up randomly on her own.

Lena let Kara guide her to the group and wrapped her jacket tighter around her. The early morning was chilly and Kara noticed. She wrapped her arm around Lena's shoulder to give her some warmth and urged her to explain what she was doing here.

"What do you mean you know where Lillian is?" Alex was more straightforward.

"She called me almost two hours ago and woke me up. I drove here as fast as I could." Lena explained, holding up her keys to prove what she was saying was true.

"Lena-" Kara was worried that talking to Lillian had triggered something in Lena but she cut her off.

"I know what you're going to say and I'm fine, Supergirl." Lena looked into her eyes and gave her a small smile.

"What did she tell you?" J'onn asked, curious.

"She called to give me her location. She knows the DEO had been looking for her." Lena answered. "I know I can't trust her at all but I came straight here to let you know. I figured Brainy could look into it better than I did."

Brainy nodded, smiling at the indirect compliment.

"You're probably right. It's definitely some sort of trap." Alex agreed.

Not a single person in that room trusted Lillian but they were more hopeful now that they had a lead. They always rushed into dangerous situations anyways and it wouldn't be the first time they willingly let themselves be trapped.

"I'm going to check the address and then you can come up with a good plan." Brainy reached for the post-it note Lena was holding in her left hand. "And then you can catch Lillian Luthor."

Lena handed the little paper square to him and pulled Kara aside as the rest of the team followed Brainy.

"Lena, what-" Kara began to ask.

"Fly me to LCorp, Kara." Lena whispered, placing her hands on Kara's hips.

Kara bit her bottom lip and glanced down at Lena's hands, avoiding direct eye contact.

"To LCorp? Why?" She managed to ask.

"I have a surprise for you." Lena whispered.

Lena's low voice made Kara shudder.

"Well, hang on." Kara smiled and wrapped her arms around Lena's waist before she soared through the air.

"Kara," Lena warned. "You're going a bit too fast."

Kara slowed down immediately. "Sorry." Kara giggled. "So, what's the surprise?"

Lena made a small noise from the back of her throat. "It wouldn't be a very nice surprise if I just told you, would it?"

"I really thought I was being convincing." Kara tried to flirt.

"Your little charmspeak doesn't work on me as well as you like to think." Lena teased back.

Kara neared LCorp and she prepared to land at the main door.

"Avoid the main entrance. I don't want anyone to see us coming in." Lena pointed. "There's a well hidden back door."

Kara landed softly on the ground and carefully helped Lena to her feet. She watched as Lena felt around the grey wall for a second, muttering that she hadn't used this in a while, and pushed when her hand found what she was looking for. An entrance big enough for two people appeared and Lena turned back to smile at Kara.

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