Chapter Twenty Three

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Lena heard a soft knock on the window and swiveled on her office chair. Her face lit up when she saw Kara standing on her balcony. She hadn't seen Kara since game night and even though it hadn't been a full twenty four hours yet, she missed being with her terribly.

Kara beamed back at her and held out a bouquet of plumerias to her shyly. "I, um, stopped by the flower shop on the corner of my block earlier. I thought you might like these."

Lena's eyes widened for a second, flattered but surprised at the gesture. "Plumerias. Strength and love."

Kara blushed. She had never gotten flowers for anyone before and it made her nervous. She couldn't tell how Lena felt about the gift and she picked at her fingers absentmindedly.

"I love it. Thank you, Kara." Lena gave her a reassuring smile, taking the flowers from her. "It's beautiful."

"I'm really glad you liked it." Kara said admittedly. "I, uh, wanted to ask you out. Again."

Lena had walked to her office desk to drop off the flowers but now she stopped. "A second date?"

Kara nodded her head nervously. "A second date."

After an unsteady pause, Kara nervously added, "I mean, we're official, right? We're dating?"

Lena walked up to her again, locking her eyes on Kara's. Kara almost looked away from how shy she felt but she did her best to keep calm. Smiling, Lena reached out her hand and her pinkies wrapped around Kara's. She leaned in for a quick kiss but it ended up being much longer. Kara pulled Lena closer to her, pressing against her body. Their hands were still intertwined between them but it was getting in the way, so Kara put her hands behind Lena's head instead. Lena's hands tried to reach into Kara's shirt, but she was in her Supergirl suit. Kara murmured a curse into the kiss, wishing she had just entered Lena's office like a normal person so she would've had on a regular shirt. Lena reflexively pulled away when she heard footsteps nearing her office doors. They both glanced at the door nervously but Lena let out a breath when she realized they weren't going to be walked in on.

"At work, Ms. Luthor?" Kara teased. "Again, not very professional."

"Says the person who flew in your Supergirl suit just to bring me flowers." Lena smirked, teasing back.

"Second date, then? Tonight at eight?" Kara asked.

"Eight's perfect." Lena confirmed. "But no flying. I'm planning it this time."

At exactly eight p.m., Kara knocked on Lena's office door. She could feel Jess staring at her but she was too nervous about how she looked to acknowledge it.

She heard a shuffle of papers and the jingle of keys before the door opened. Lena froze and nearly dropped the stack of papers she was holding when she saw Kara.

Kara was wearing a nicely fitted blue dress that reminded Lena of her eyes. Lena glanced up at them just to make sure. The dress had a turtle neckline, which makes her sharp jawline stand out, and the slit on the side of it showed off a generous amount of skin. Lena moved her gaze downwards and saw that the dress barely touched Kara's knees. The three inch heels she was wearing made her even taller than she was. Lena looked up at Kara's face again, noticing the small see-through earrings she had on. Her hair was half-up and half-down, loose strands falling to the sides of her face.

Kara tensed up, hoping the silence was a good thing. She bit her lip when Lena held up a finger, motioning for her to wait. Lena prayed that her flushed cheeks were faded when she placed the stack of papers on Jess' desk, mumbling that she wanted her to file them. Jess' amused expression told her that she was blushing ridiculously hard.

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