Chapter Six

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Kara looked away from the television screen and Lena met her eyes.

    "How are they working together? It's impossible!" Lena exclaimed.

    Kara shook her head. "I don't know."

    The news footage flickered for a second from Red Daughter's laser eyes. Ten feet behind her was another woman dressed in all black with a trace of decorative lace and a headpiece.

    "Reign had disappeared for nearly a year after we fought." Kara started pacing, wanting to fly off to where the fight was.

    "You can't fight them." Lena warned. "This has to be Lex or Lillian. They have something to do with Reign and Red Daughter attacking the city somehow."

    Lena couldn't explain why she believed her family was behind this team-up but Kara nodded her head in agreement. Kara had a feeling it was the Luthors but she couldn't figure out their plan. The Luthors made her skin crawl with hatred, something that doesn't happen often.

    "Reign disappeared literally minutes after our fight. We were pretty even but Brainy couldn't track her after she fled." Kara remembered her last encounter with the Worldkiller. She smiled shyly when she realized she was trying to impress Lena but she didn't seem to notice.

    "And Red Daughter hadn't been seen since she came to LCorp." Lena added on.

    Alex's voice came through Kara's coms again. "Supergirl, we have reinforcements. We need you." She said, struggling to sound like she had everything in control.

    Reign was nearly as strong as Supergirl the last time and Red Daughter was an exact replica of the Kryptonian. Kara had trouble fighting both separately and she wasn't prepared to have a full on battle with them, even if she had backup.

    "You're staying here." Kara told Lena, her expression serious. "You're staying out of danger."

    Before Lena could protest, Kara flew out of the building, heading straight to where the fighting was. She hated staying out of danger but she hated watching Kara head straight for it even more. She quickly changed into clothes that she can run in, in case she had to get away from something, and made her way to where the Super Team was now fighting Red Daughter and a Worldkiller.

    Kara's heart rate increased when she noticed Lena heading straight to the fight three blocks away. She saw the small hint of green of Lena's eyes even in the dark night and instantly knew it was her.

    "She just can't stay safe, can she?" Kara mustered enough strength to punch Red Daughter hard enough that she went flying into the air.

    Nia, J'onn, Alex, Maggie, and Brainy were all at the scene along with a few of the top DEO agents. They all knew how dangerous a Red Daughter and Reign combination could be. They were all fighting Reign but they would turn around and throw in a few punches to help out Kara whenever Red Daughter got a hit in.

Surprisingly, Reign was even stronger than she was before and she swatted Alex and Maggie away with ease. They both hit the ground hard and they didn't get back up. J'onn left the fight for a few minutes to fly Alex and Maggie back to the DEO to get them safely into the hands of some very professional doctors. During the time J'onn was away, Nia and Brainy took on Reign alone and it was very obviously taking a toll on them. Lena was now a block away and she hid by the corner of a restaurant, watching her friends being tragically defeated. Nia and Brainy managed to fight back enough to not get slammed into the pavement, but it wouldn't last much longer.

    Lena looked around for Kara and Red Daughter but she couldn't find them anywhere until she saw two figures circling the sky a hundred feet above the ground. Kara and Red Daughter exchanged punches but neither were injured at all. Their heat vision met in the middle and it became too strong for both of them. It exploded and threw them both backwards. Sparks flew everywhere, blinding Lena. By the time Lena blinked away the brightness, they had recovered. Red Daughter was slightly dazed and Kara took that to her advantage. Using her super speed, she opened her left palm and injected a needle into Red Daughter's neck.

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