Chapter Twenty One

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Everything seemed to slow down and the sound of the gun going off rang through the air. Kara screamed and forced herself to get up. Lena fell to her knees from the force of the Kryptonite bullet and her hand flew to the wound on her torso. Kara crawled to her and she could barely see from her tears clouding her vision.

"Lena!" Kara yelled out, her voice breaking.

Lena's eyes were wide from shock but she managed to give her a small smile. Kara frantically put her hands onto Lena's stomach, trying to suppress the blood flow.

"You idiot!" Lillian clenched her jaw. "Why would you do that?"

Kara didn't care that Lillian knelt down next to them, too focused on trying to get the bleeding to stop. She x-rayed Lena's abdomen, praying that the bullet didn't hit anything.

"You're going to be fine, Lena." Kara's hands shook from relief. "You're going to be okay."

The bullet missed Lena's organs and arteries but blood continued to gush out of her. Kara activated her laser eyes, wanting to cauterize the wound. She heard the wail of the DEO ambulance in the near distance but did it anyway. She wasn't about to lose her.

Lena yelled out in pain when she felt the searing hot burn of the lasers, but she felt her heart rate calm down. The bleeding had stopped for the most part but the intensity of the heat vision nearly made her pass out. She started to see black spots and she tried to steady herself.

"Lena?" Kara asked, her voice full of concern.

Lillian let out a breath, standing up, as if she did all she could to help save her daughter's life. Kara's eyes never left Lena, desperate to hear her say she was okay.

The sound of the ambulance was a block away and Lillian started to backtrack. Now, Kara glared up at her.

"You're not going anywhere." Kara threatened, full of anger. "You don't shoot your daughter and leave."

Lillian looked down at Lena, watching as her eyelids fluttered, and sighed. "I am truly sorry that it came to that, Kara. But I simply will not stay."

Kara's eyes darted to Lena, now unconscious and curled up on the ground, and every cell in her wanted to go back to her side. But she knew that if she let Lillian go free, Lena wouldn't be so lucky next time.

"Supergirl!" A DEO agent called out, leading a group of other agents and medical staff towards them.

"Lena needs help! Quick!" Kara yelled back, pointing to her on the pavement.

She glanced at Lena one more time, whispering how sorry she is for leaving her, before turning to Lillian. With a jolt, she realized that Lillian had snuck away, but she easily caught up in the air. It was surprising that Lillian's suit was still functional.

They dodged each other's attacks easily but Kara was barely trying. She wanted to build it up so that when she finally defeats her, it would truly feel like she had won. She would feel like she had finally protected Lena and the world. Her blood felt like it was boiling from how much she hated Lillian. The desperation for revenge rushed through her veins and she wasn't planning on letting Lillian off easy this time.

With a tearful yell, Kara slammed into Lillian full force. They tumbled through two buildings together, crashing through all of the glass. Kara grabbed her neck and threw Lillian into another building with another yell. Lillian fell through the other side, at least two hundred feet in the air, and was barely conscious. She had on a very damaged metal helmet and it hardly protected her from the impact of crashing through three skyscrapers.

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