Chapter Thirteen

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Lena stood over her dead brother, her entire body shaking. Kara, feeling much better, stood up and walked over to her.

"Lena?" She said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Kara could feel her trembling and she gently pulls her away from Lex and into her arms. She barely had enough energy to fly but she used all of her remaining strength to make it happen. She knew she had to get Lena far away from Kaznia as soon as possible.

In the air, Lena stuffed her face into Kara's shoulder and Kara could hear small sobs escaping from her. She made sure to fly slowly enough to make Lena as comfortable as she could be and she hugged Lena tightly to reassure her. Kara's heart felt like it would break with every small heave that she felt against her chest.

For ten minutes, Kara flew steadily above the clouds. She headed straight for Lena's apartment in the fancier part of National City without even thinking to report back to the DEO first. Her original mission didn't even cross her mind once.

"I'm sorry, Kara." Lena whispered so quietly that Kara wouldn't have heard her if she didn't have super hearing.

Kara had just gotten to her apartment and hesitated, wondering how she should enter. She didn't want to break through her door or window but Lena pulled away from her and reached into her pocket for the keys. She sniffled, fumbling it before Kara took it from her hands and opened the door.

"Don't say that, Lena." Kara held open the door for her. "You did nothing wrong. Stop blaming yourself for things you couldn't have known about."

"I helped them, Kara. I am to blame." Lena's voice broke and she tried to hide her tears.

Kara walked over to her and caressed her face. She used her thumbs to wipe away Lena's tears before they rolled down her paled cheeks.

"If you blame yourself for that, you should be mad at me again." Kara whispered, guiding Lena to her couch a few feet away.

"What, no-" Lena protested.

"Because," Kara said. "I was the one who made you upset and that was too much for you. The only relief you could get was from Lex and Lillian. It's not your fault, it's mine."

Lena shook her head sharply. By Kara's logic, Lena knew she was right. She couldn't blame herself but she felt so guilty that she wanted to blame herself.

"I was so stupid. I should've known." Lena wiped her hand across her face.

"You're not. And you couldn't have." Kara said, her eyebrows furrowing.

They were sitting crossed legged in front of each other on the large couch. Kara looked into Lena's eyes, desperately hoping that her words could ease Lena of some of her pain and guilt. She hated that Lena always blamed herself for things that she couldn't control. She knew it was what made her so chaotically good but she couldn't watch Lena blame herself all the time without feeling helpless herself.

Lena calmed down after a few minutes of silence. Kara was sitting on her feet, waiting to pounce Lena and hug her if she said anything else. Lena took a deep breath and leaned back. Kara watched wide eyed as Lena took off her light fall jacket. Lena then slowly unbuttoned her blouse, each button at a time. She had a tight fitting tank top under it and it showed off her curves perfectly.

"You know, Kara." Lena broke the silence. "Nothing you do is ever wrong. Not a single bad thing in this world is because of something you did."

Kara was still staring at her but she tried to just focus on her eyes, afraid that Lena might think that she was shallow.

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