Chapter Three

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Kara opened her eyes and closed them immediately, blinded by the bright yellow light shining on top of her. She was confused for a minute, then remembered the fight. She bolted upright, calling for Alex, but she realized her sister was taking a nap in the corner of the room.

Alex's eyes fluttered open, surprised that her sister was now awake. It had been three days since Kara faced Chax, a strong meta with Kryptonite, and she had been incredibly injured during the fight.

"Kara," Alex said, her voice full of concern. "I'm going to get the doctors."

Alex was experienced in the medical field, but she didn't always trust her skills when it came to her sister, especially after such a big injury.

Kara nodded and watched her sister leave in a hurry. She held her head in her hands and tears started to fall. She wasn't sure why she was so devastated at first, but then she remembered Lena. They were in the middle of a fight and Kara hadn't been there for her for who knows how long.

A shuffle of feet outside the room became louder and louder and Kara wiped away her tears with the back of her palm, hoping it wasn't obvious that she was crying.

Alex's brows furrowed. Kara could never hide her feelings from Alex. Before she could ask if Kara was okay, the doctors gathered around the alien, peppering her with questions and expensive equipment.

Kara cooperated with the medical staff, knowing they were only trying to be helpful, but she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. She wanted to go straight to Lena and apologize again.

When the doctors gave the thumbs up to Alex, letting her know the yellow sun light had healed all of Kara's large wounds, Kara tried to follow them out.

"What do you think you're doing?" Alex stepped forward, softly pushing Kara back onto the bed.

"I need to check on Lena. She might be worried." Kara frowned, trying to push past her sister.

Alex sighed. "Kara, just calm down and listen to me."

She waited until Kara sat down with a huff, and filled her in. She explained that she was only in a coma for three days and that J'onn took over for her for the same amount of time. Kara nodded, feeling relieved that it had been less than half a week and that National City still had a version of Supergirl when the real one was gone.

"J'onn?" Kara laughed out loud. "After what happened last time?"

Alex burst out laughing, too. "He did a wonderful job. There were a lot of criminals but most of them were just thieves or kidnappers. Nothing too wild."

The girl of steel nodded, knowing Nia, J'onn, Brainy, and Maggie kicked ass. A memory suddenly flashed across her brain and Kara froze in fear.

Alex's smile faded. "What's wrong?"

Kara didn't speak for a few seconds, trying to gather her words. "I-I saw something. I just remembered."

"What do you mean?"

"Alex," Kara's voice warned. "It was me."

After urging her sister to continue, she did. She told Alex that when she was circling Chax, she had seen something out of the corner of her eye. It was a black and red blur but she couldn't really tell what it was at first. Before she had been hit by a big chunk of Kryptonite, which was thrown like a boulder by Chax, she locked eyes with a girl. Kara had been thinking through her options before being struck, but she had also been distracted by the familiar blonde hair and the blue eyes. The same features Kara had.

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