Chapter Eighteen

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Lena and Kara jumped when they heard a knock on Lena's office door and they pulled away from each other when someone pushed it open.

They stood apart with nervous expressions on their faces and watched as Jess looked towards Lena's empty desk in confusion before she noticed them standing outside on the balcony. At first, Lena was afraid that she had caught them but she let out a sigh of relief when Jess only pointed to her watch.

Lena had forgotten that she had told Jess to remind her when it was one in the afternoon so that she could actually do some work down in her lab. She mouthed to her secretary that she got the memo. Jess looked between Lena and Kara a couple of times before dismissing herself.

"What was that about?" Kara asked, her hand on her cheek to try to hide the fact that she was still blushing.

"I need to figure out how to reverse engineer the mind-control device Lex put in Sam's eyes. Jess just came to remind me to get back down to the lab." Lena explained.

They both missed Sam even though they hadn't gotten to know each other much. After the whole Reign situation, she had gone back home to Metropolis. They still kept in touch but she hadn't been back in National City since.

"Oh." Kara sounded disappointed.

Lena took her hand and Kara smiled as their fingers intertwined. Lena reached over with her other hand and readjusted Kara's shirt collar. Kara took in a sharp breath as Lena's fingers accidentally brushed over her collar bone.

"You probably have some DEO business to deal with." Lena reminded her. "I'll see you later."

Kara leaned over and kissed Lena on the cheek. "That's a promise."

They reluctantly let go of each other's hand but they knew they both had work to do. Lena watched as Kara walked out of her office and she smiled when Kara glanced back at her a few times and winked. When Kara finally left, she caught a glimpse of the clothes on her couch and she walked over to pick it up. She brought it up to her nose and whiffed in the mix of her and Kara's scent.

"Let's hope she doesn't notice that I still have it." She said to herself.

Kara's face dropped when the others filled her in about Metallo.

"We think it's him." J'onn reminded her. "It might not be."

Most of Kara's fights with Metallo had left her under the yellow sun light in the DEO medical ward for hours.

Alex glanced at her sister curiously. She was the first one to see Kara when she landed at the desert facility but she never got the chance to ask her how it went with Lena. The look on Kara's face said it all.

"Got it!" Brainy suddenly jumped up from excitement.

A few agents looked over when his chair hit the floor with a loud thud but Alex gave them a stern look and they got back to work.

"Got what?" Kara asked.

"Brainy had been trying to track Metallo down for a while and he was frustrated when he couldn't find anything." J'onn explained.

"Very frustrated." Nia added, rolling her eyes.

"Well, yes." Brainy ignored them. "I finally found him. It wasn't easy. He hadn't appeared in National City for a while. His last known appearance was months ago and I had to look through all of the records and-"

"Brainy, get to the point." Alex sighed.

"Right." He apologized. "I found a large Kryptonite signature there."

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