Chapter Twenty

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Kara felt a loud blast right by her head and she jolted awake, blinking hard to refocus her eyes. Another loud noise made her jump and her elbow slammed into hard ground. She yelped out in surprise and woke Lena up.

The next blast nearly took Kara off her feet but she quickly steadied herself and grabbed Lena. Looking at the night sky, Kara realized it was probably well past midnight. Lena's eyes were halfway closed like she wanted to go back to sleep.

"Lena!" Kara shook her.

She was still a little groggy but she blinked it away. Kara pulled her along for cover and they ducked out of the way when they were shot at again. Yellow sparks flew out into the air and reflected off of the moonlight. Kara quickly changed into her suit, thankful that Lena had upgraded it to nanotech again. She tried to turn and fly Lena off to safety first but the shots kept coming, so all she could do was run.

They were nearly at the door but they paused when the sounds faded. Kara squinted through the smokey air and saw a shadow standing in front of them, waiting for them to approach. Kara held an arm out in front of Lena, placing herself between the both of them, and waited for the smoke to go away.

"Lena, dear." Lillian Luthor stepped out of the shadows, smiling coldly at her daughter. "You didn't tell me you were dating Kara Danvers."

Lena fidgeted shyly but she held her ground. She was completely awake now and she glared at her mother. Kara glanced back at her as if she was waiting for Lena to make a snarky comment but she stayed silent.

"Lena, get out of here." Kara sounded desperate and she stood in a fighting stance, ready to take on her mother.

Before Lena could protest, Lillian reached into her coat and brought out a glowing head piece. She placed it on her head slowly, just for dramatic effect, and a loud robotic sound echoed through the air.

Kara and Lena watched as a robot appeared behind Lillian. Kara wanted to laugh at the size of it but that feeling disappeared almost instantly. The little robot creaked and its head opened. The other robots decompressed themselves one by one as they came out of it.

Lena glanced at Kara for a second, and Kara knew she felt guilty.

"That's impressive," Kara whispered to Lena, trying to make her feel better.

Lena looked down at her feet shyly. She thought Kara would've been at least annoyed when Lillian finally appeared with the robots she had built. Lena definitely didn't expect her to praise her for it.

Lillian seemed confused at her daughter's expression and stepped forward. Kara shielded Lena reflexively. She racked her brain for ideas, knowing that fighting off all those robots meant leaving Lena vulnerable. All she could do was hope that Brainy was trying to trace Lillian and that the DEO would get here before Lillian killed them.

Lillian held out her arms and stood still for a moment, t-posing. Kara's heat vision was activated, ready to attack. She heard a small noise that sounded like scraping metal. Suddenly, something black slammed into Lillian and covered her entire body.

The chunk of metal looked like a badly designed Iron Man suit, but even more intimidating. The face was made to look like Lillian's and Lena felt a chill when she looked into the eyes. It reminded her of how hollow Lillian's eyes looked whenever she yelled at Lena when she was younger.

"Surprise." Lillian's voice sounded like a deep growl from through the suit.

Kara felt a panic, looking between Lillian and the two dozen robots in front of her. She somehow knew there was more, and she didn't even know how she could defeat them by herself.

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