Chapter Fifteen

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Kara immediately pushed Lena behind her and glared at Lillian. About a dozen of the robots Lena had made for her were behind Lillian as if waiting for a command. She noticed the glowing head piece and Kara held her head up higher, hoping she seemed more intimidating than she felt.

    "Now, don't act so hostile." Lillian stepped forward and the robots followed, ignoring Kara. "Don't you have any manners, dear? Greet your mother, Lena."

    Lena's gaze never left her mother's. "If only I had a mother to teach me those manners, am I right?"

    Lillian paused from the remark and gave a small chuckle as if Lena hadn't been more wrong.

    "I think it's still a trap." Lena whispered to Kara, her shoulders tense from seeing Lillian again after everything that had happened.

    Kara nodded, her stance still strong between the two Luthors. She didn't know how Lena felt about seeing Lillian again, especially after Lex's death, but she did know that it wasn't positive in the slightest.

    "This is not a cheap trick if that's what you're thinking." Lillian tilted her head and smiled, but it didn't feel comforting at all. "I just want to talk to my daughter. I haven't seen her in a while and I missed her."

    Lena tried to keep her composure but it was ridiculous that Lillian was still trying to manipulate her. She felt disgusted that she had ever wanted to love that woman.

    "Leave her alone." Kara's jaw was clenched tightly. She was tired of the Luthors using Lena and then abandoning her when they were finished with her like she was just a toy. Lena deserved much better than Lillian.

    "You killed Lex!" Lillian shouted at her daughter, her eyes grew colder by the second. "He was your brother, Lena. He loved you."

    Lena's eyes filled with tears and she willed for them to go away. She hated looking vulnerable in front of Lillian, especially when she didn't seem to have the upper hand.

    "He was my only son and was smarter, better in every way compared to you. He did love you in his own way even if you kept denying it. I didn't take you in at the age of four, a child that wasn't even mine, for you to grow up and murder my real child. As much as you crave for love and family, you will never have that kind of comfort, Lena. It doesn't matter how much you want it. You are not my daughter. You don't deserve the Luthor name. You're a nobody." Lillian snarled with disgust.

    Lena's lips quivered, desperate to break down in tears, but she forced herself to stay strong. Lillian didn't deserve her tears.

    "You're wrong." Kara shook her head sharply, her chest heaving from anger. "The Luthor name doesn't deserve Lena."

    Kara wanted to pull Lena into a hug but she needed to focus on Lillian. The most important thing on her mind right now was to protect her from Lillian and she wouldn't be able to do that if she let her guard down, even if she really wanted to. A voice in her head told her she was being a terrible friend, but she had no choice but to postpone comforting Lena for the time-being.

    Lena was still frozen in place, her head swarmed with the words that came out of Lillian's mouth. She knew she shouldn't let them get to her but she still felt hurt and betrayed. Of course, it wasn't the first time a Luthor hurt her but she wasn't expecting Lillian to say that she would never have love in her life. To be honest, she only felt so hurt by those words because a part of her thought that was true.

    "If you're so hungry for revenge, why weren't you expecting us to attack you? You seem very confident that we won't take you into custody right here and now." J'onn asked, glaring at Lillian himself.

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