❁ Chapter 5 | harry

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"You've been really quiet lately

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"You've been really quiet lately." Casey says sitting across from me. "We should do something to get your mind off of things."

"Like what," I ask picking up a fry from my meal and popping it in my mouth. Suddenly, my face falls in realization at Casey's words and I stop chewing, taking in what she's just said. I know what the face means. lNo way," I let out a humorless laugh. "I have a kid now, Casey. I can't do half the shit we used to do back then."

"Oh, but we can." Casey says spreading a very wide grin across her face.

"Casey...what are you insisting?" I frown already shaking my head at whatever she has in store.

She glances around for the restaurant we were currently dining in to see if anyone is watching us before moving closer to me and whispering, "I know a guy."


"What? Why? C'mon, it really won't be bad if we trip again." She groans in disappointment.

"That's what you said last time and I threw myself out of a window." I tell her thinking back to the night we had both done shrooms.

I'd even bitten part of my tongue off that night and it was possibly one of the most painful things I'd experienced in my entire life.

"Hey, you can't blame me for that one, I tried to stop you." Casey shrugs taking a sip from her milkshake. "You didn't budge, you kept saying you wanted to fly even though that window was like two feet off the floor." She said trying not to laugh.

I look over to check on Lennon who's playing with another little girl about her age in the playhouse before turning back to my friend.

"I really can't. I have to start brainstorming my next book. My manager really wants me to come up with something new and I've been stressing so much about Nina, that I've got nothing." I sigh looking down at my chocolate milkshake.

"Well then, why don't you write about Nina?" Casey suggests.

I think for a moment before looking back up at Casey curiously. Honestly, that wouldn't be the worst idea.
I had already written a lot of poetry about Nina before our relationship had even started.

Sounds so ridiculous but I was way too nervous to text her first the day I had met her. It wasn't until Casey told me to stop being a wuss that I had finally built up the courage to just rip off the band-aid and do it.

Thanks to my best friend, I'd spent restless nights talking to Nina over the phone or smiling down at my screen whenever I'd randomly see her name pop up. Staying up with her was my absolute favorite thing to do. We went from phone calls to FaceTimes to sleeping over each other's houses and with every conversation I had with her, I felt myself falling more and more.

Which introduced a special way for me to express those lovely emotions: through my writing.

But suddenly it all came to a halt once Nina broke up with me.

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