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Elena called me and told me that she needs me to come with her to the Salvatore boarding house, I was a little confused, because I'm pretty sure she was one of the many scolding me last night for coming to the ball with Klaus. "I don't understand why you need me to come Elena" I say approaching the door.

"Damon's mad at me, and your one of his only other friends, so maybe he'll talk if you're there" she says, I have no idea what she's on about, last time I heard Damon was chatting on about me coming to the ball with Klaus, just like all of my other friends.

We reach the door and Elena goes to knock, but it's opened before she can knock, and it reveals a shirtless Damon and Rebekah, oh my God. "Hypocrite" I mumble looking at Damon, even though I know he heard me. So he can sleep with Rebekah, and it's all okay, but I can't be her friend or go to the ball with Klaus.

I shake my head and leave, screw staying here, Elena's on her own. "Rowan" Rebekah says from behind me, I turn around and put on a fake smile, hiding my anger, "Hey" I say, "You know you make a terrible liar. What's wrong" she says walking with me. "Just Damon, and nothing against you, but him sleeping with you and ugh" I explain to her.

"Yeah even I have to admit he's being a hypocrite" she says shrugging her shoulders, "It's just annoying when him, and all the others lecture me on about Klaus and you, yet they do the same. Damon slept with you, Matt went to the dance with you, Elena was talking up with Elijah, and I don't understand why I'm no expection" I frustratedly say, "Maybe they're trying to protect you. Not that anyone in my family would hurt you" she says, "Because if they do Niklaus would kill them" she adds on.

We both laugh, I think at different things, me at the fact Klaus would kill for me, I mean I know he fancies me, but that seems much, but maybe it isn't much for Klaus, and Rebekah was probably laughing because she knows Klaus would do that. "Okay my brothers are all home, so be prepared" she says, I look ahead of me and notice we're at the Mikaelson mansion.

We walk in the door and immediately the voice of Kol is heard, "Well, well, well. There's our girls" he says looking at us, I walk past and sit on the couch across from Klaus, who glances up at me, Kol blocks Rebekah's path, "Get out of my way, Kol" she says annoyed, "Out all night. What a scandal. I trust you did better than that commoner. Matt, was it?" Kol says aggravating Rebekah.

"If you'd consider Damon Salvatore better than Matt" I mumble, Kol turns around and fake gasps at me, "Damon Salvatore" he says looking at Rebekah, "If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth" Rebekah threatens Kol. Klaus let's out a silent laugh, "Don't start Nik" Rebekah says finally walking past Kol.

"I didn't say anything" Klaus says trying not to smile, "No but you silently laughed. And incase you didn't know, you're all literally vampires" I laugh, "I'm bored. Our sister is a strumpet. But at least she's having fun" Kol explains smiling over at Klaus and I. I roll my eyes, he can be so childish.

"I need entertainment" Kol states, now that could mean many different things, "What are you waiting for? Have at it" Klaus says to him, "It's no fun to go alone. Join me, Nik, Rowan?" Kol asks us, I nod, I'm down for some fun, Klaus however doesn't respond, "It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart, plus it's not like you'll let Rowan go out on her own with me" Kol smirks,

"Okay. Why not? I didn't have enough to drink last night with you trying to murder Rebekah's date" Klaus states to Kol, "Or maybe you were too busy looking at Rowan" Rebekah remarks sitting down on the couch. "Go, this house has enough men rolling around in it.." Rebekah remarks as Klaus and I walk out the living room door, Kol following behind us, "Just like you Bekah" he says turning around to her.

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