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Elena and Rebekah became friends, according to Rebekah she can stand this Elena, and Elena having no emotions just doesn't care. But this means that Rebekah is spending her time with Elena, and as much as I wanna hang with Rebekah, I can't stand no humanity Elena. So until Elena stops being an emotionless bitch, then I can't hang with Rebekah if they're together.

So to put my mind off it, Caroline, Bonnie and I are getting our prom dresses. Caroline came out in a red dress and I came out in a blue dress. While we looked in the mirrors to see how they fitted, Bonnie was telling us about her dream. "What kind of dreams?" Caroline asks, "Usually I'm at his grave and of a sudden, he appears to me" she says, "Well, you never got to say goodbye, Bon. You're grieving. That's normal" I say turning to look at myself in my dress. "When I woke up the couch was on fire" Bonnie states.

"Yeah that's not normal" I say shaking my head. "I don't know if it's because I was emotional in my dream, or if Shane was right. Without his help, I'll lose control of my magic" Bonnie says shamefully, "No it's because you need a night off from mourning" Caroline says, "And we'll make sure that you have it" I say smiling, she smiles at us. "You guys look super hot by the way" Bonnie comments, "You think?" Caroline says, "Definitely. We look hot" I say looking in the mirror.

"Are you sure you don't wanna join in on friend prom?" Bonnie says looking at me, "There would be 4 of us, which is basically just two friend dates" I say laughing, "Who cares! Prom is supposed to be about friends and making memories" Caroline says smiling wide, "Alright then, I'm in" I laugh. The doors open and our smiles drop and the sight of Elena and Rebekah walking in.

"Hey Bonnie. Heard you got your mind wiped. Thats sucks. Pretty dress, Caroline, yours too Rowan" Elena says, "I know you helped me pick it out months ago when we were friends and before you tried to kill Rowan and I" Caroline says awkwardly, "I thought it looked familiar" Elena says eyeing the dress. Rebekah hasn't said anything to me yet, she has smiled at me, but that's about it.

"Can you press this for me? I'll pick it up later" Caroline says, "Yeah and I'll take this now" I say smiling to the tailor. "Bonnie" Caroline says, Caroline and I got back into the changing rooms to get out of our dresses, with Bonnie following after us.


I was at my house about to get ready when Caroline called me in frantic, "Elena stole my prom dress. I went to pick it up, and the tailor said somebody else did. And when I asked who, she said she couldn't remember. Elena compelled her and now I have no dress!" she says, "Easy Care, you can use my dress, I'll find something else" I say, "No I can't take your dress" Caroline argues, "Yes. You can. I'll find something" I tell her even though I have no idea where. "Okay" she says, "Thank you" she adds, "Of course. It'll be hanging up. Just walk in, I'll be out finding a new dress" I tell her, "Thank you again" Caroline says, "Anytime" I say hanging up the phone. I grab my keys and go to the one place where I knew someone would have a dress. Klaus.


"Klaus?" I say walking into his house, no response. "Klaus?" I try again, no response. I walk into another room to see him, "Hello? Did you not hear me?" I say tell him, "Of course I did. But why don't you shout a bit louder I don't the people of the dead heard you" he says sarcastically, "No need for the snarky comments" I say to him rolling my eyes and walking over to him. "What do you need?" he says, "I need a prom dress, because I gave Caroline mine since Elena stole hers" I say to
him, "Ah sweet Rowan. Always thinking of others" he says grinning.

"I know prom isn't important to you, but it is for me. This is one of the last things I get to do that makes me feel normal" I tell him, "Well surely finding another dress is well within your substantial vampire capabilities" he says, "I can't just- I feel bad. And I don't know what I want" I tell him annoyed, "So could you please go back into your family collectibles and find me a dress" I say sweetly, he's hesitant to answer to answer, "I said please" I add.

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