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After what happened, I couldn't bare to show my face to any of my friends, no doubt they all hate me. It's fine, in time Hayley and I will be with our parents, we'll be happy. At school today we had a memorial for Carol Lockwood who drowned in the town fountain, but this has Klaus written all over it, he killed Carol to spite Tyler. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Rebekah who smiled and waved at me, I waved back confused, how was she here? Who undaggered her. In a instant she was gone, maybe I'm seeing things. The assembly ended and we all got to go home.


For the past few days, I just stayed at home, none of my friends tried contacting me, which is fair, I betrayed them, they probably all hate me. Also the fact that no vampire besides Rebekah is invited in to the house, and she's been over once, and we barely talked, I feel bad for pushing her away because at the rate, she's the only friend I've probably got at this rate. My phone rings and confused I look at it to see it's Stefan, "Stefan?" I say confused as to why he's calling me, "Listen Ro, I need you to babysit Damon" he says

I burst out laughing, "Babysit Damon?" I choke out from laughing, "Right forgot everyone is mad at you" he says bluntly, "You're the only one left tho. So can you do it?" he adds, "Sure. Do I even wanna know the reason why I have to babysit him" I ask, "Long story short. Kol compelled him to kill Jeremy so he can't complete the Hunter's mark" Stefan tells me, I nod even though he can't see me. "Right. I'll be over soon" I say, "Bye Ro" Stefan says hanging up. I sigh and look at the mess in front of me, packets of food are spread across my bed, yeah I've been real lazy.

But now I have to babysit Damon? Not something I thought I'd hear. I get out of bed and grab a pair of shoes and put them on, I grab my carkeys and head to my car outside, but to my surprise, Klaus is there. "Klaus?" I say confused, how many more people are gonna confuse me today, "Hello love. Where you off to for the first time in days" he says smirking, I shake my head, "So you've been stalking me?" I state, he laughs, "Not stalking. More like observing" he says, "What are you doing here?" I say ignoring what he said before. "Same as you, babysitting Damon as Stefan put it" he says smirking.

"So I get to spend the day with you?" I say crossing my arms looking at him, "Looks like it" he says smirking, "Well get in and I'll drive us there" I say gesturing to my car, "Or we can-" he says and before he can finish his sentence, he picks me up bridesmaid style and vamp speeds, and before I knew it we were at the Salvatore house. He places me down and I smack him in the arm, "Don't do that" I explain, "You were fine" he protests, I roll my eyes and walk into the house with Klaus' laughter following in after me.

We walk down to the cellar where apparently Damon is being held, from the top of the stairs I could see Stefan looking into a cellar talking to someone, that someone being Damon. We approached the cell and when Stefan stood back we came into the frame, "You look terrible" I tell him, Klaus just stands quietly behind me. "What the hell are you two doing here" Damon croaks out, "Babysitting you since someone let the Big Bad vampire compel him to kill Jeremy" I say sarcastically smiling, Damon sends me a fake smile back.

"Give him a vial of blood every couple of hours so he doesn't desiccate" Stefan tell us, "If he gets too much strength back or if he just annoys you gain, bleed him out again" Stefan tells Klaus mostly, "The silent treatment huh?" Damon says looking at Stefan, I look confused, "What happened?" I say, "He's still pissed at me for sleeping with Elena" Damon says as it's nothing, "As he should be" I say standing up for Stefan, "Are you sure about that?" Klaus says after me, "Because I caught him trying to sneak out if Rebekah's bed this morning" he says, I look at Stefan, "Looks like I'm not the only one who makes 'bad mistakes'" I say quoting bad mistakes.

"Well don't you all enjoy your bonding time? I'll let you know when I get the dagger from Rebekah" Stefan says leaving Klaus and I with Damon. I sit down against the wall next to the cell door and Klaus sits in front of me. It was silence between everyone, until Damon broke it, "Why'd you do it Ro" he says referring to the hybrids, "I don't wanna talk about it right now" I mumble, "Later then" Damon says knowing I can't talk about it with Klaus here, it was his hybrids that were going to take him out, and because of that he had to take them all out before they could take him out, which means other than Tyler, he's the only hybrid, and he can't make anymore because Elena is a vampire, and her blood was the source of making hybrids.

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