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Damon took Elena to New York, apparently because every newbie vampire needs to go there, so why wasn't I invited? I'm kidding. I wouldn't of gone anyway, because we have a new problem on our hands, Silas followed us back from the island and he's stocking up on blood. Caroline and I were cleaning up after Elena's party, since she ditched with Damon, and we may as well since we're here. "Is it true? What Elena said about Klaus?" Caroline asks out the blue. I face and shake my head and continue cleaning, "I'm not talking to you about this Care" I say walking into the living room.

Walking in there and I see Klaus, I jump and he smirks, "What are you doing here?" I say hoping he didn't hear Caroline and I's conversation. I grab a cup that had some stuff left in it, I shrug my shoulders and drink it. "If you're going to get drunk. I may suggest something a little more sanitary" he says smirking. I grab another cup that had some in it, smirk at him and drink it. "You showed me" he says, "Shouldn't you be out chasing Tyler?" I say crossing my arms, "Like I said last night. The paranoia and fear of him being hunted is his true punishment" Klaus says, I roll my eyes and continue to clean.

"You're staring" I say to him, even though I'm not facing him, I can feel his look burning into me. "What's he doing here?" Caroline says walking into the room, "I asked him to be here" Stefan says also entering the room. "We need his help. I think Silas is in Mystic Falls" Stefan says to us all.


Stefan tells Klaus all what happened that we know, "So some blood went missing from a few hospitals. What about Elena?" Klaus suggests, "We told you, it's not Elena" I speak up, "Well let's say for a moment that it was Silas. I'm struggling to see how this affects me" Klaus says sitting on the couch with his drink he helped himself too. "Silas wants to die and reunite with his one true love. But he's supernatural. If he takes the cure and dies he gets stuck on the Other Side" Stefan explains, "It's kinda cute. The first part" I admit, "Very Shakespearean" Klaus adds, "If he destroys the Other Side altogether, he can take the cure, die and pass on. But in destroying it every dead supernatural being will return to our side" Stefan adds, which caught Klaus' attention.

"Which means" I say walking closer to Klaus, "Every werewolf, every vampire, every witch, every hunter. I wonder how many of those you killed personally" I add standing right in front of him, "Care yet?" I say crossing my arms. "My interest is piqued. How do we stop him?" Klaus says looking over my shoulder to Stefan. "Bonnie said Silas needs to complete three massacres to do the spell. Before Shane died, he convinced the pastor to blow up the Council. Next he had you kill your hybrids. Now, he only needs one more massacre. So if he's here, that's what he's doing. We need fo find him" Stefan says, "Are you in or are you out" I say looking at Klaus, he just smiles in return.


Caroline left to do something else meanwhile Klaus, Stefan and I ended up going to Shane's office, why? I don't know. "What are even looking for?" I ask closing the door. "Well if Shane really was working with Silas chances are he was helping him plan his next move" Stefan explains, I scoff, "Where? On his evil to-do list? Steal blood, perform three massacres, pick up dry cleaning?" I say looking around. Klaus turns and faces me, "Actually, we evil villains usually use minions to pick up our dry cleaning. That sort of thing" he says, I exhale, "I wasn't talking you" I say to him.

"Is he really necessary?" I say to Stefan, "Well, we don't know what Silas can do. If we have to go head-to-head with him an Original Hybrid who can't die might come in handy" Stefan says, I scoff quietly. I don't know what's up, just ever since yesterday with Klaus and Hayley, I feel different towards him, I can't explain it. "Besides, Stefan and I work well together. Or at least we did in the 20s" Klaus admits, "Well my emotions were off" Stefan says, "And that's why you were the most fun" Klaus says smirking at him.

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