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We discovered that Ric's vampire hating alter ego, hid the last white oak stake in a different place, so now there's a white oak stake out there that could kill an entire sireline of vampires, which could potentially mean the one all of my friends are in. Elena and I walked down the basement to see Ric, Damon locked him in there for safety reasons.

"Alaric?" Elena says peering into the cellar bars, "Yep. Still me" he replies back, "That's what other you would say though" I say, they ignore what I say and Elena opens the door, and goes in, I stay by the door, "You know you shouldn't be in here. It defeats the point of the whole being locked in a cellar thing" he chuckles.

Elena throws a bag on the ground, "Well you still need the basics; toothbrush, clothes, some boring books to help you sleep" I list on as Ric grabs a book, "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?" he says laughing, Elena and I look confused, I walk into the cellar and grab the book, "What? No I grabbed-" I start, I sigh and shake my head, "Hilarious Damon" I sigh, "At least one of us has a sense of humor" Ric says.

"Are you sure you-? I mean you don't have to be kept in here?" I say, I sniff the air, "Plus it smells" I add on and laugh, "Rowan's right" Elena says, "Uh, no. This place is the right place for me to be" he sighs, "At least until you guys can convince my highly-uncooperative alter ego to fess up to where I or he hid the white oak stake" he adds.

I sigh and shake my head, "We looked everywhere. Even at my house, since no one is there, it would be a good place to hide something" I say, "You- The other you hid it well" Elena adds, "What's Klaus gonna do if you can't find it" he says glancing over at me. "It's the only thing that'll kill him, so he'll stop at nothing" I say and laugh.

"Wage war, murder people. You know Klaus stuff" Elena lists on. The room is then silent, no one is sure on what to say. If we don't find this white oak stake, Klaus will start World War Klaus on Mystic Falls, also know as hell. "Listen, Stefan is gonna watch over you for a little while. Now that Klaus knows where Jeremy is, it's not safe" Elena says looking at Ric, "So Damon, Elena and I are gonna go to Denver to pick him up" I say looking at Elena and she nods.

I need to get away from Mystic Falls, just for a day, then I'll deal with whatever happens when I come back. Plus I've tried calling Klaus to see how he is about the past few days, and he hasn't answered, I assume he's busy, or mad, so I'll give him a few days, see what happens. "Why do you say that like you're waiting for me to disapprove?" Ric says looking at the pair of us, "I don't know" I sigh looking down, "Me and Damon travelling across the country" Elena says looking down in shame, "I'll make sure nothing happens" I laugh.

"I'm more curious to hear what Stefan has to say about it" Ric says, "Actually...." I trail off, "It was his idea" Elena says. Ric looks shocked at this, which was the exact same reaction I had when I heard him say it. "He thinks that I have some unresolved feelings for Damon" Elena says, "Well do you?" I ask, "I guess that's why I'm going on this trip" Elena says. "She needs to figure it out" I say.

We say bye to Ric and head upstairs, seeing Damon and Stefan talking. Damon turns his attention to us, "Ever flown first class?" he asks, "I've never even been on a plane before" I laugh, "Who'd you have to compel for that?" Elena asks. Damon rolls his eyes, "Pfft, please. I used miles" he says. He grabs the bags that were on the stairs and walk out, I see Elena and Stefan look at each other, "Right. I'll be waiting outside" I say.

I walk out and see Damon loading up the car, "How come you're coming on this trip? What's your reason behind it all?" Damon says looking up at me, "I need a break from Mystic Falls, and I'm pretty sure it needs a break from me" I laugh, "Break from Mystic Falls, or Klaus?" Damon says, I go to answer but Elena comes out. "Both" I shrug and we get in the car and start our drive.

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