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Caroline asked me to help clean up the gym after the dance since Tyler ditched to help Klaus, stupid sire bond. I walk in with Caroline and see Rebekah cleaning up, "Where's Matt?" Caroline asks, "He bailed. Got called into work at the last minute" she tells Caroline. "Are you kidding me? So it's just us 3" Caroline says, "Us 3-" Rebekah says turning around, "Rowan haven't seen you in ages it feels like" she says, "Guess we can use this time to catch up" I say grabbing a bag and starts cleaning.

"I'm sorry about your mum. I mean, I know you like, hated her and everything but still" Caroline tells Rebekah, "I'm sorry about your teacher. He seemed like a nice guy" she tell Caroline and I this time. "Yeah, he was" I sigh. "I'm gonna get started on the gym, Rowan? You wanna come?" Rebekah asks me, I look at Caroline and she nodded, I follow after Rebekah down the hallway.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around much" Rebekah says, "It's fine, I haven't either...." I say but stop once I see Ric walk in front of us. "Ric?" I say not believing it. "You're supposed to be dead" Rebekah says, "I am" he says. Rebekah vamps to him but he spins he around and pins her to the locker. I'm not sure what to do because I'm human, but luckily Caroline comes and turns him around and both her and Rebekah shove the stake into his heart.

They back up and stand on either side of me, I notice Ric doesn't desiccate like a vampire usually would that gets staked in the heart. In fact no vampire should be able to pull a white oak stake out of their heart when they're supposed to be dead. Caroline grabs my hand and we run to our cars, I hear a sound from behind me and I look in the window of my car and see Ric standing behind me. I look to the car next to mine and see Caroline with her neck snapped. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Which one?" he says, I stand my ground, "Oh well" he says, he then smashes my head against my car window, knocking me out cold.


"Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me" Rebekah explains to me, "Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead" I tell her, "He's not and he's a vampire thanks to Mother's spell with a white oak stake that can't kill him. He's strong Nik, too strong" Rebekah says in a frantic way, "Where is he now" I say while I pack things into a box. "Stuck at the school without a daylight ring. But as soon as night falls, he'll come after us. We need to leave now" she says.

"Fine. I'll collect Elena and we'll be on our way" I say grabbing my jacket, "Forget Elena, you don't need anymore stupid hybrids. Alaric also has Rowan" Rebekah says, I ignore the last part and answer back, "What I need is protection from Esther's continued assaults against us" I tel her.
Rebekah shakes her head, "We'll protect each other. Like we always have. Always and forever, Nik" she says.

"I'm not leaving without her" I say walking away, "I'm leaving now. You either walk out that door with me or you are on your own" she threatens. I just stand my ground and look at her without answering, "Fine. Trust your hybrids over your family. Let your spite be the death of you, see if I care" she says storming out and bumping into Tyler on her way out.

"What about Rowan? You just gonna let her die?" she says turning back around, I stay silent, "Of course" she says and leaves for good this time. "What's her deal?" Tyler says gesturing to Rebekah.



Ric tied Caroline and I to chairs, he used vervain for Caroline's and stuck pencils in her hands to the desk, I just had my hands tied behind my back, and a rope in my mouth. My vision was still blurry from being knocked out, and I could feel blood dripping down the side of my head. I was crying, Caroline was crying. We were both so scared, Ric was supposed to be dead. He wasn't going to complete the transition, I guess after Meredith and I left, something happened, and he got given blood, so now he's a vampire hating and vampire hating sympathiser maniac, just perfect.

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