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After making the deal with Alaric, I knew that all my children would fall this time. Tonight is the night. I walked into the room Niklaus was in with the white oak stake in my grasp. "What took you so long" Niklaus say as I entered the room in Rebekah's body, so he doesn't suspect anything. "Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake. Luckily, I'm quite the charmer" I say walking over to him with the stake in my hand.

"That's it?" he says seeing the stake in my hands, "The last of the white oak stake that can kill us. Do you want to do the honours or shall I" I say thinking that's what Rebekah would say. Niklaus puts his paintbrush down, grabs the stake from my hand and throws it into the burning fireplace. "Well that's that then" I say walking off, "Pack your bags. We're leaving" Niklaus says.

I stop in my tracks, "Today?" I question, "Why not? There's nothing keeping us here. We'll grab the doppelgänger and be off" he says finishing his painting. "Tonight's the decade dance" I say trying to get him to stay so my plan will work, "So?" he says with no care in the world, "I'm head of the committee. We have to go" I say putting on my perfect Rebekah impersonation, "I'm not going to any dance" Niklaus says turning around.

"Rowan will be there" I say knowing my son has a soft spot for this human girl. He looks down thinking about it, before looking back up, "That means nothing to me" he says coldly. "Please? I have big plans for tonight. Just go for me?" I say inching on and on. Niklaus walks up to me and stops in front of me, "Okay, fine. One last hurrah" he says, "One last hurrah, Nik" I say smirking knowing that it will be one last hurrah.


I walk up to Alaric who just got off the phone with Damon, playing his part of the plan perfectly. "Quite the cunning liar" I say approaching him. Alaric laughs, "Well, Damon's too arrogant to think his only friend would betray him" he says. "Just like Niklaus would blindly accept an invitation from his beloved sister unaware that he is headed to his own death" I say dipping the dagger into the white oak ash.

"Did you give him the stake?" Alaric asks me, "He burned it without hesitation" I tell him, "So where's the real one?" Alaric asks me still unsure of my motives, "You'll get it when it can no longer be used against me in this body" I say opening a coffin to reveal my actual body. Alaric walks over and peers inside the coffin. "So how do you-" he starts, "How do I return to my true form? With a little magic and some help from a vampire hunter" I say showing him the dagger. With no hesitation he stabs in the heart, making Rebekah's body go into a deep sleep let's say.



I walk into the gym with Caroline and Elena to help set up for the decade dance tonight, which I completely forgot about after the past week. "So Alaric is trying to pull himself together. Why is that a bad thing?" Caroline asks us, Elena and I were catching her up on everything that's happened. "I just wish there was something I could do" Elena says. I walk over to the table and grab a chandelier type thing, "Where do you want me to hang this?" I ask holding it up laughing.

"Argh. You know what? If Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrosity she should've shown up to do it herself" Caroline says angrily. "Just no" she adds handing the chandelier to another committee member. She looks up at Matt and Jeremy, "What are you doing?" she yells at them, they look over at her confused, me myself am confused.

"You can't just hang them. They're supposed to trickle down" Caroline explains, "Trickle down" Matt mumbles and him and Jeremy laugh. "Look at them all bromancey" I sigh, "Yeah, I asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust. He got him his old job back at the Grill" Elena explains, "Aw" I say, "That was nice of him" Caroline says. Elena nods, "Jeremy's got a lot on his mind. The whole thing with Alaric has got him stressed out" she says, I scoff, "You sure it has nothing to do with witnessing you and Damon getting hot and heavy in a skeevy motel" I say, "Not to mention I did as well" I add.

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