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We got off the boats at the island where this cure is, and Silas, and Shane mentioned that he is a very powerful witch and can bring back all dead supernatural creatures, so it's a win win, we can get the cure for whoever wants it, and raise Silas even tho it's told he'll raise hell on earth, but hey I've kissed Klaus twice, and if he isn't 'hell on earth' then I don't know what is. Rebekah comes and stands next to me, I look at her, "You ready?" I say to her, she nods, "Let's get this cure" she says.


Once we got everything, and we setting stuff up, Rebekah and I stood with Stefan, since I guess it's a team thing? There's team Elena, who want it for her, then team Rebekah, aka us. Speaking of Elena, she walked past in front of us and Rebekah glared at her and followed her every move. "Not really helping" Stefan says to her, "You're perfectly capable of tying a knot" she replies, "Giving Elena the evil eyes isn't helping Bekah" I sigh, "She killed my brother, tried getting Stefan to put a dagger in my back. She's lucky all she's getting is the evil eye" she resorts still staring at Elena.

"You know I can hear you right?" Elena says, "You know I don't care right?" Rebekah snaps back, I hold in my laugh, I love Elena, but that was funny on Rebekah's end. Elena puts down her bag, vamp speeds over to Rebekah and grabs her neck holding the white oak to her heart, Rebekah being way older and stronger easily just shoved Elena off sending her to the ground. "Go ahead, try and kill me. Then you'd have to face your real problems like the fact that Stefan invited me here himself and I invited Rowan" Rebekah taunts her.

Elena stays quiet on the ground, "I guess he likes me again" she adds walking off, I help Elena up before following after Rebekah. "Hey" I say catching her attention, "Hey" she replies, "I have to tell you something" I say nervously to her, "What is it?" she says getting nervous too, "I might've kissed Klaus again..." I say slowly not knowing what her reaction will be, "What!?" she says happily, "How are you two not together??" she says shocked, "I don't know. I don't even know what we are" I sigh, "Well once we get off this island then you can find out" she says smiling, "Until then, we have a cure to find" she says getting up.

"Wait" I say making her stop, "What if they use the cure on Klaus? Like to make him human to take him down?" I say, Rebekah turns to me, "And what's stopping it from turning his whole bloodline human too?" she says, I nod, "Right" I mumble, "Don't worry about that Ro. It'll be fine" she says, I nod, "Now let's go" she says noticing the group is leaving.


"You know for the middle of nowhere this is a beautiful island" I say looking around me as we follow Shane to the cave. "Is anyone else a little creeped out?" Elena speaks out, "So then leave. Out of everyone here, your presence is the least necessary" Rebekah retorts, "Please don't start" Stefan says, "Yeah Bekah it's a long hike" I say agreeing with Stefan. "I'm merely stating the facts. Jeremy the spell on his body, Bonnie's the witch that unseals the cure. Shane is the human compass. Stefan and I have the tombstone which does God knows what. And Elena has no point" Rebekah announces.

"What about me?" Damon asks from the front of the group, "Yeah and me?" I speak from beside her, "Damon has a nice behind and you Rowan are my best friend" Rebekah says smiling at me, I smile back.


Night time had came and we got our flashlights out, I guess I wasn't watching where I was going because I tripped in a hole. I felt my ankle pop and make another weird sound, "Ouch" I say holding my ankle, "Ro you okay?" Bonnie says knelling down next to me, "No my ankle really sore. I don't think I can walk on it" I say, "Heal you up with some vampire blood. All good" Rebekah says biting into her wrist and putting it in front of me, I grab her wrist and drink some of the blood, no matter how many times that's happened, I will never get over how weird it tastes.

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