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Stefan, Elena and I got off the island. I had to, I would burn otherwise, thankfully I was able to get to Elena's house before the sun was up, Caroline was there waiting. "Ro!" she says running up to me and hugging me so tight, "I thought something bad happened and you-" she stops once I start to cry, "We'll put Jeremy upstairs while you explain" Elena says walking upstairs with Stefan following after her. "I'm a vampire Care" I whisper, her eyes widen, "Oh my God. How- What?" she says, "Katherine happened" I whisper, "And now I have to wait inside until Bonnie gets here so she can make a daylight ring" I sigh looking down.

I start to cry again, "God. I didn't want this Care! Why me! Why did Katherine have to do this to me?" I cry, "Shh Rowan, you need to calm down. Your emotions are heightened, so instead of sadness you're feeling hysterical" Caroline tells me, "God I'm a mess. I can't do this" I sob more into her shoulder, "It's okay. It's okay. We're all here ever step of the way. You're not in this alone" she says, I calmed down a little and nod, "Thanks Care. I'm glad to have a friend like you" I say, she nods, "Of course. I'll always be here for you Ro" she says hugging me tighter.


I sat on the couch in the dark with my knees huddled up to under my chin, just rethinking the past 18 years of my life, and now I'm stuck at being 18 forever, I can't have kids, I can't grow
old with someone, I'm trapped and I will never escape. Caroline and Stefan are cleaning the Kol sized burn mark on the floor and talking about Elena. Jeremy also died on the island, by Katherine as well in a way, only Jeremy doesn't have vampires blood in his system and he won't come back, Elena hasn't realised that yet and still thinks he's gonna wake up.

"What's that smell?" I say catching the attention of Stefan and Caroline, "That would be Jeremy, decomposing" Stefan says quietly, "I can smell everything" I mumble, "Perk of being a vampire. All your senses are heightened" Stefan explains, I nod, "Yeah, better smell, better sight, better strength, but emotions are the worst part, second worst, the feeding on human blood being first" I mumble, "We're all here for you Ro, you're not alone" Stefan says, "I need to call Hayley. Tell her" I say. I grab my phone and dial Hayley's number, hoping she'll pick up.

"Ro? You okay?" Hayley says as she picks up, "If I'm being honest. No" I say truthfully my voice cracking, "What happened?" she asks me full of concern, "I'm a vampire now Hayley" I tell her straight forward. "Oh my God.But you're an untriggered werewolf too..." Hayley trails off making me realise, "If I kill someone, will that trigger my curse? Will I be a hybrid?" I say realising it not. "I don't know Ro. As far as mother nature goes, only Klaus can make hybrids with the doppelgängers blood, and with her being a vampire.... I don't know Ro" she says, "Where are you?" I ask her, "I can't say incase someone tries finding me" she says, I nod even though she can't see.

"I understand. Stay safe, I love you" I say to her, "I love you too, I'm so sorry this happened Ro" she says softly, "Me too" I reply, I hang up my phone and place my phone back down, and continue to get lost in my thoughts.


Elena's not doing good, she still has hope for Jeremy to come back, but we all know that won't happen. Meredith Fell did all she could for now, but eventually she's gonna have to take Jeremy. I still can't believe Jeremy's dead, I can't believe I'm dead. This is all Katherine's fault, it's her fault, I'm like this, she should pay for what she's done to us all. "Ro?" Caroline says snapping me out my thoughts, "Yeah?" I reply to her, "You had a murderous look on your face. You okay?" she asks softly, "No. I'm not. I'm angry, I'm sad, I'm confused, and I want Katherine to suffer for everything she's done to us. Is that so crazy?" I ask. Caroline stays quiet.

"Ro, Katherine is 500 years older than you. She could kill you and do her nails at the same time. Don't do anything stupid. This is rage your feeling" she tells, "I know Caroline!" I snap, I close my eyes realising I snapped at her, "I'm sorry, I just can't control this right now" I say, "As soon as you get the daylight ring, I'll teach you snatch, eat, erase" Caroline suggests, I nod "Yeah thanks" I say, she smiles.

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