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Elena and Rebekah after driving around for most the night looking for Katherine finally found the town she resided in. Now all they had to do was find her and get the cure, and all would be well. Damon on the other hand was mega pissed they stole his car and he has no idea where they're at now. Rowan spent her night at home, wondering why Klaus was being so shallow towards her, she thought they were friends, she doesn't understand what happened.

Meanwhile in Klaus' house, he was trying to get the white oak from out his back that Silas put there. He was struggling. He was in pain. He couldn't get it out. He knew that if he pushed it forward anymore, he'd be dead. Not just him, his entire sireline along with him. Klaus couldn't care less for them, he just cared about his survival. Footsteps were heard from his house, "Klaus we need to talk" the voice of Rowan said, she looked at him concerned, "What happened to you?" she asked him.

"Silas. He attacked me" Klaus told the girl, she walked slowly closer to him, "He stabbed me with the white oak stake" Klaus adds, his breathing heavy. "A piece of it is still inside me" he grunts out in pain leaning onto the table. "Oh my God. Klaus, that could kill you" Rowan states like it wasn't obvious. He laughs, "Well, I certainly feel like I'm dying" he tells her. Rowan looks at Klaus, she puts her hand through his hair, "Hey" she says softly making him look at her. "As much as I would love to watch you die you still haven't found me the cure" her tone changes. At that moment Klaus knew he wasn't talking to Rowan.

He was talking to "Silas!" Klaus shouted pushing him away, Silas walked away, "That's right. Last night I looked like Shane, today I look like Rowan. And tomorrow, who knows?" Silas taunts Klaus. Enough of his games Klaus says to Silas "Show me your real face" he says in pain from the white oak still being inside him. "Now why would I do that when I can look like whoever I want you to see?" Silas continues to taunt the hybrid.

Silas approaches Klaus again, Klaus gasps, scared of his sudden approach, and the fear that he's vulnerable right now for the first time in his 1000 years of life. "Resist me all you want, Klaus, but until you bring me the cure I will bring nothing but misery" Silas tells him still in the face of Rowan. Silas disappears and Klaus slightly relax's but is still on edge from the visit he just had.


Last night, after everything that happened, I decided to watch a movie with Hayley, just to feel somewhat normal. We choose on High School Musical, because the thought that this was how high school would be, singing and dancing and falling in love is ironic to me. All I got throughout high school was broken hearts, discovering the supernatural world, I'm adopted, and above all getting killed by an evil doppelgänger and turning into a creature of the night and falling for the bad boy who I shouldn't even have feelings for.

Everything lately has just been so confusing, me becoming a vampire, the heightened emotions in that, and this whole quest for the cure stuff, I just need someone to talk to. But sometimes I feel like I have no one to talk to, at least no one that will judge her. I think about my sister, and how she's been distant with me lately, ever since that night with Klaus. Maybe I should talk to her, "Hey Hayley" I say to her, she turns her head to face me, "Yeah?" she says not looking me in the eye, "Can you be honest with me if I'm honest with you?" I ask her curiously.

She nods her head, "Of course. Yeah" she says, I say, "What happened with Klaus, after I left?" I say knowing she's definitely hiding something from me about that. She shakes her head, "Hayley, please. I won't get mad or judge you. Or anything like that" I say, Hayley looks down and nods her head, "Okay" she says softly. "I slept with Klaus" she says straight up, my eyes widen, "What? Did I hear that correctly?" I say, "It was nothing. It didn't mean anything" she says quickly, that's when I put two and two together, "That's how you found out about the birthmark, Klaus told you" I say tears threatening to leave my eyes.

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