Chapter 1: Sooner then Expected

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School was tough, the day has nearly come to an end and all you wanted to do was go home and watch your favorite anime, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, specifically Part 5. You were just about finished with the entire part, and let me just say, it had you depressed. You missed Abbacchio's bitchy comments, even if they were directed mostly towards your favorite golden boy. And the fact that Bruno was slowly dying was eating away at you. He didn't deserve death, neither of them did. If only you were in their world, maybe you could prevent their tragic ends, but all you could do was wonder. 

You didn't notice just how deep in thought you were when a snarky voice brought you back down to reality, unfortunately.

"Miss L/n, what could possibly be more important then math that has you so distracted." your teacher spoke. "I've been calling you repeatedly, pay more attention or else its gonna be detention for you."

You felt half the class staring at you, god did you hate being pointed out. Why was your teacher so darn strict? Threatening to give you detention just because you were day dreaming, I'm pretty sure he has better things to do then watch a kid for three hours. 

You slumped in your seat while throwing your head back to stare at the ceiling. 'Can't wait till class is over..'


The final bell rang, signalling the end of the day. You prepared yourself for the oncoming hoards of students making their way to the front of the school so they could escape this hell. 

At long last, you're able to go home to finish the final episode of Vento Aureo, you couldn't wait.

Basically shoving and tackling innocent people, you quickly made your way to the front of the school where your best friend stood still at the crosswalk, most likely waiting for you to arrive so you could both walk home together. B/f/n was one of the many people you had befriended since grade school, you were grateful that she put up with your stupidity. The both of you were basically cracked out weebs, you got along quite well.

"Oi! B/f/n!" you called out. Your friend turned to look in your direction, she immediately put up a piece sign and her lips curled into a goofy smile.

"Y/n! Right on time!" she placed a hand on your shoulder, lightly shaking you. "You ready to finally finish Part 5?" she asked with a sparkle in her eye, other than you she was extremely passionate about Jojo, another reason why you were best friends.

You winked at her playfully, "You know it baby!" you both chuckled at your stupid comment.

Your terms of endearment went on for a small while before crossing over to the other side of the road. You were both slow walkers so it took you some time to fully get across, you looked over at the swaying trees, the leaves gently falling to the ground because of the slight breeze that swept across your skin. Once more the excitement of getting to spend the day with your friend while watching the show that made you happy filled your body, you wanted to let out a small squeal of happiness but you contained your joy, for now at least.

Now nearing your house, you had one final street to cross. Now it was getting harder and harder to calm down. So, you did what any rational anime addict would do. You did a little happy dance. B/f/n stopped in her place and looked at you with confusion. Her brow rose as she saw you dance violently.

"What are you doing Y/n?" she asked

"Dancing." you replied, not breaking your focus on your foot work. From afar it probably looked like you were one of those balloon guys that flailed their arms around at the front of a store, you were okay with that.

B/f/n then burst into a laughing fit, your goofy moves were enough to send her into cardiac arrest. "You look so dumb right now!" she screamed. 

You chose to ignore her comment, you weren't going to allow her to throw off your groove. You both heard a ding, but to you it sounded like more of a muffled beep so you thought nothing of it. You were still so caught up in your happy dance that you didn't see B/f/n walk off without you, her most likely thing you were following behind her. 

The sounds of screeching broke your focus on your dance, you now noticed how far ahead B/f/n was ahead of you, you were about to call her again but your attention shifted to a swaying vehicle, the car was speeding rapidly down the road nearing closer and closer. You panicked, the car was heading straight towards your best friend, she would without a doubt be hit and probably get killed by the oncoming drunk driver. 

Time seemed like it had stopped, you felt your whole body tense up and without skipping a heartbeat you ran towards B/f/n who now looked like a deer in headlights. The sound of the wind rushing past your ears only made your heart race faster. You had to save her, you couldn't allow her to die.

You saw your friend, the trees, the sky, the road, the sidewalk, then nothing. You pushed B/f/n out of the way only for you to feel a harsh pain on your right side, but the pain quickly disappeared. With the sliver of sight you had you placed your eyes on the blue sky, the soft white clouds drifting slowly by as well as the sight of crows flying overhead. It was a soothing sight, you felt your feeling fade away, the breeze only feeling like a draft, the rocks digging into your skin only feeling like you were laying in a bed of crumbs. 

'Am I dying..? Is this it for me..?' you thought. Your chest rise and fall, your breaths gradually getting shallow and shaky. 

It didn't take long before your beautiful view of the sky faded away, your life on this earth slipping out of your weak grasp.

The thread snapped, like a fish breaking the fishing line once given the chance. You plunged into the dark void of permanent slumber.

You were dead.

Or, at least, that's what you thought.


Hey hey! First chapter done and out of the way, this one wasn't very fun to write, I just wanted to get this chapter done and over with so we can get to the part that really matters. I'm just glad I can officially say that this is now released, or at least out there. Can't wait to continue writing for you guys, have a fantastic day!

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