Chapter 3: Unexpected Reencounter

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Taehyung went to open the door as the doorbell rang and his eyes widened when he saw it was you. He hadn't seen you since the party and he assumed he wouldn't see you again, yet here you were. He licked his lips nervously before they parted to say something, when Jungkook came in the room.

"Oh hi! It's nice to see you, what..." the maknae said and you interrupted him.

"She left something in the car, she'll be here in a second."

"Are you sure you guys don't want to join us?" he said amused as he witnessed the awkward encounter. His hyung was clearly shocked by your presence. Tae turned to him with his mouth still agape

"Absolutely, I just drove her here" you said before he could utter a sound. Your friend arrived in a little trot.

"Jungkook!" she squeaked excited. You took a step aside so she could get to him and looked away not sure what to do with yourself. He took a few things and stepped out.

"Okay, let's go" waving at you, your friend said she'd text you when she needed a ride back and you nodded and wished her a good time.

When they were a few steps ahead so they'd have some space, you turned to Taehyung who looked at you embarrassed by his behavior. Not that you could tell, but his gaze was on you again.

"Okay, I'll get going then, bye" you said pursing your lips awkwardly. You turned around to walk away and you heard him hum before he spoke up.

"Nevermind" he hesitated and stopped himself as you looked back at him.

"Now you have to tell me" you said looking at him intently. He bit his bottom lip anxiously.

"I don't think you want to know" you raised an eyebrow thinking the worst as usual, you braced yourself for some unwanted compliment. "Can I have your number?" he finally said. Frowning, you were taken aback by his unexpected words. He hurried to cover it up.

"See? I just thought we could talk, but nevermind" he blurted out and took a step back to close the door feeling uncomfortable. You took a step back in his direction and he dropped his hand from its hold on the door.

"We can talk" you said pulling out your phone giving him a small smile. He nodded and took his phone out of his pocket, he opened the contact list and handed it to you ready to insert your number.

"Oh, okay" you took it, you were just expecting him to ask you to type it himself. Once the contact was saved, you instinctively tapped the button to go back to the home screen. You saw a little pomeranian as his background.

"Is this your dog?" you looked up, your eyes had softened and there was a sparkle to them.

"Kim Yeontan, yes, he lives with my parents" with a side smile he introduced him. You gushed over him and Tae couldn't help but smile broadly at your reaction. That's when you looked up from his screen and fixed your eyes on his box smile.

He felt self-conscious at your expressionless gaze and his face dropped. Did he do something wrong? he thought trying to read you. You looked away feeling stupid for staring.

"Okay, I should get going then" you announced and turned around once more and walked towards the elevator.

"I'll text you my number" he said in a slightly louder voice for you to hear and you looked over your shoulder and nodded with your usual small smile.

He had been terrified of saying something that would push you away, that seemed to be too easy from what he had seen. What he didn't know is that you were just as scared the moment that something came out of his mouth and it wasn't a superfluous compliment or a dirty remark as they'd been in the past with other men you had had the displeasure to meet.

Just as you got in your car your phone beeped as a message came in, you opened it and it was simply another pic of Yeontan, no text with it. You smiled as you saved Taehyung's contact to your cellphone and replied with a heart emoji. You couldn't deny you were nervous about this exchange, things never seemed to work out for you. Men ended up stepping over the line and turning out to be the same.

Your house was far from here and driving back would probably be a waste of gas to return in a few hours. Picking up your purse after parking your car in a better place, you got out and started browsing your phone to see what cafes were in the area. When you were about to take a seat with your coffee, your phone beeped and buzzed again in your pocket.

It was him again. You were glad he was not the kind of guy who would purposely wait not to seem too eager. All that social construct irked you. Those unspoken rules that no one knew who set or why people thought they were holy. He wanted to talk and you were curious to see what he had to say. You also hoped he wouldn't eventually ruin it somehow.

Sometimes you did question whether you were too hard on guys, but any other option would make you uncomfortable anyway. Being with someone for the sake of it didn't sound appealing at all. Every time you had pushed yourself despite feeling off, it had ended up badly. You brushed off your thoughts.

You spent hours exchanging messages and learning random facts about him as he asked about you and your likes. He didn't like wild parties, he did like to dance but that was kind of obvious. He preferred the quiet, he had lived in a farm as a kid with his grandma and wanted an early retirement to move somewhere calm. Being outdoors and taking pictures were some of his hobbies.

He struggled to write songs, but he was working on a mixtape anyway, something more according to his own personal taste. He liked classical music and jazz and recommended a bunch of cool songs that were out of the mainstream line you were used to hearing on the radio, the mall, cafés, every place you ever walked into.

Taehyung actually sounded a lot different from what you had imagined. You had wrongly judged him and you felt kind of bad, but your past experiences were much too strong. He seemed to be the exception of the rule. You were still unsure though. Sooner or later disappointment always came.

Your friend finally texted you and you headed back to the apartment to meet her. You both said goodbye to Jungkook before he walked into the building. When he heard the door, Taehyung walked into the room hoping you'd be there, but it was just the maknae.

He could tell his hyung was visibly disappointed. "You look kind of pathetic, why don't you talk to her already?" he laughed softly. Tae quirked an eyebrow at his cheekiness.

"I already am, now will you shut up about it" the younger one looked surprised.

"Ah well, good for you" he said as he walked past him and playfully pushed his shoulder with his.

"How did it go with her friend?" Tae turned around to ask him before he went to his bedroom.

"It was okay, she's kind of overbearing though, I'm not sure" he said and his hyung made a face knowing he was the opposite of that and they probably weren't a good match.

Opposites attract, another one of those phrases that exist from the dawn of time and make no sense most of the time.

Opposites attract, another one  of those phrases that exist from the dawn of time and make no sense most  of the time

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