Chapter 29: Fighting Sinful Urges

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When the call ended, Taehyung still couldn't believe you had actually done that for him. He could never predict when you'd suddenly do something and was always caught off-guard. When he thought he knew what to expect from you and was confident he could handle it, he'd be thrown off and lose it instead of being in control.

He wasn't complaining though, boy he wasn't, he was so into it. But not being prepared always was a con because it just hit him harder. The distance he had put in between you two this last month and a half had worked in the beginning, he could have the space he needed to clear his mind. But now it turned against him as he was more eager to see you by the day, he needed to see you.

He relieved himself in the shower not being able to think about anything but that craving. Tae breathed heavily laying against the cold wall as water ran down his now shaky body. How was he going to be able to pull this off? A few days ago you said you were not ready to be with him, but now that he thought about it you hadn't said you weren't ready to wear that for him.

He growled dissatisfied at the thought. He knew he had to wait, but he didn't know how long. In his mind he would wait all you needed, he didn't care. Yet his raw and instinctive side couldn't take it. He most definitely couldn't push it or he could say goodbye to you, that was a given. In that case he would regret it no doubt, this strong and terrifying feeling is what kept him in line to extents he never thought he could put up with.

You were going home after the new year, but he still had another week in Daegu. He was counting down the days to see you again. To touch you, to feel you, he was sick of the screen that made him feel so close, yet so far. He couldn't bear to just talk on the phone without seeing you at all though, nothing worked to make him feel better. He hoped this feeling of insufficiency wouldn't prevail even after seeing you or he'd go insane.

The Sunday night he was back in Seoul, he didn't care how tired he felt, he told you he would stop by. You opened the door of your apartment to see a breathless and flustered Taehyung in front of you. Had he been running or something? You asked yourself as a racy smirk creeped up on his lips and you saw his pupils dilated with something you couldn't quite put your finger on. Lust, it was lust that was unclear to you, but not to your boyfriend.

You took a few steps back, not to let him in necessarily, but because of how uneasy he was making you feel. "Hey, I've missed you" he breathed out, his voice an octave lower. The darn rousing voice of this man that made you weak at the knees. Your heart threatened to break through your chest from how hard it was pounding. You had missed him too, but right now you couldn't return the feeling as you were filled with anxiety. "Tae, you" you muttered and trailed off insecurely.

That brought back some sense into him as he really looked in your eyes and noticed how scared you were paired with your familiar shaky voice that always worked as a red flag to him. He looked away feeling bad and trying to regain some composure. Then looked back at you with a softer, guilty look. He sighed disappointed in himself.

Tae walked up to you and you flinched when he flung his arms around you, still shaken by the situation. He proceeded to hug you tightly. "I've missed you" he repeated with a mellow tone this time and you relaxed in his hold, circling your own arms around his waist. "I've missed you too" you finally said softly as you snuggled against his chest, your favorite spot.

You walked backwards as he gently lead you and ended up sitting down on one of the high stools next to your kitchen counter. He leaned in crashing his lips against yours as he slid his hands underneath your thighs just above your knees. Your legs now brought against his sides. Tae moved his lips needily and you went with it. He kissed you until you were breathless.

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