Chapter 25: Putting Some Distance

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The next morning Taehyung walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower for background noise, it's not like he needed another shower. He tried to relieve himself from all the built up tension after a restless night of sleep. 

You knocked on the door and he was startled as you pulled him back from his thoughts.

"Breakfast is ready" you chirped happily.

"Okay" he growled and tried with all his might not to give himself away through his unstable voice.

After washing his body, he sat on the cold floor with his back to the bathtub. Trying to catch his breath before walking out. Why was he feeling so ashamed? This was completely normal and he shouldn't be. Why were you ashamed? If it was you who was turned on, he would have felt flattered, but that's just how he saw it. He had no idea what crossed your mind. Tae sighed as he put his clothes back on and walked out.

He headed to the little dining area and smiled shyly when he saw you. Kissing your cheek, he said good morning and then took a seat opposite of you. You were both quiet.

"Everything alright?" you asked looking at his exhausted demeanor.

"Mm? Yeah, I just didn't sleep well" he said and you felt bad.

"Yeah, my bed is not as big and comfortable as yours, I'm sorry" you apologized.

He had a problem with the size of it, but it was the proximity to your body he had been restless about.

"No, it's not that, don't worry" he said trying to brush off your concerns, looking up at you with a soft side smile.

Once you were both done and ready to go, he drove you to work and dropped you off before heading to the studio.

Throughout the morning he kept nodding off, his mind clouded with distracting thoughts as he tried to focus on what he had to do.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jungkook asked noticing his struggle. He nodded lazily as he blinked sluggishly.

"I just had a bad sleep."

He rubbed his eyes and headed to his studio when he had a moment to take a quick nap.

Tae laid back on his chair and closed his eyes. The feelings from last night came to his head instantly and he huffed frustrated. He tried to keep his mind blank and eventually was able to fall asleep.

A few hours passed and Namjoon knocked on his door before opening it to find Taehyung deeply asleep. His mouth agape and arms hanging to the sides of his chair. He was truly exhausted.

The leader carefully shook his shoulder to wake him up.

"Uh? What time is it?" he asked confused and realized he had slept way more than the hour he planned.

"Is everything okay?" he asked concerned. Tae nodded and laid his face on his propped up arm sleepily.

"Everything going well with your girlfriend?" he tried as he attempted to figure out what was up.

"Yeah, I'm just-" he sighed frustrated. "She needs me to take things slow, and I'm doing my best, hyung. It's not enough" he shared desperate for some advice.

"Ah, so that's why you are restless" he said and Taehyung felt exposed.

"Maybe try spacing out when you see her, you've been seeing each other every day lately, right?" he nodded acknowledging Namjoon's words.

"Give yourself a break, you can still stay in touch and meet less times a week."

Tae took in his words and figured that was probably the safest way to put some distance between the two of you without hurting you by being too distant or too close.

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