Chapter 3

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"Y/N!!!! IT'S MIZU YOU HERE!!?!"

Fuck, shit, she came home early?!?

You start having a slight panic attack worried she would see you in your condition. She'd probably get all worried and not let you go back to school tomorrow. You immediately get up and see if you can walk; it still feels sore but your legs are straight. At least you were able to stand as for walking it still hurt but you could bluff it. You were so focused on whether or not you could walk you completely forgot that Bakugou was still in the room.

Damn it he's still here, what do I do!?

Just as you were about to tell Bakugou to go jump out the balcony from your room Mizu knocked at your door and opened it.

"Knock, knock, hey y/n!"


She greets you with a warm smile along with a quick wave and sees Bakugo; her jaw slightly drops.

"Y/n who's this?" She said surprised ending it with a duck face slightly grinning.

You reply with a palm to the face dragging it down, along with your feeling of regret letting Bakugou be here.

"This is Bakugou. Bakugou Mizu, Mizu Bakugou." You said casually with a hint of annoyance.

"OMG HIIII Bakugou it's so nice to meet you! Whatchaaaa doin hereee,"she said trying to contain her thoughts and smile.

Mizu was type of person that was very bubbly and open to anything. She was also the type of person to jump into conclusion causing you to immediately suffer from second hand embarrassment.

"I was just here helping Y/n out with her math work. Imma head out my mom's gonna kill me if I don't make it to dinner." He said casually.

Pffttt what a fucking lie!

He grabbed his stuff and made his way out.

"Nice meeting you Mizu," he looks at you, "later dumbass," and walks out the door.

Mizu looks at you an expression of shock and happiness ready for you to spill the tea.

"O...MY...GOSH ya'll already got nicknames aggghhhhnhkjsnkvv!!! So cuuutee!!!

"Shut up Mizu, is not like that." Your face felt hot.

Ugh am I blushing?

"Your bluuushhinnng," she said slyly.

You groaned in response while rolling your eyes as you fall backward landing on your bed. Mizu's expression went from content to concern when she saw your stomach.

"Y/n, your scaring on your stomach."

You look down to see that your shirt was slightly lifted from falling to your bed. You try to hide it but Mizu beat you to it as she lifted your shirt to see the scars.

"It doesn't hurt trust me. They probably were there but we didn't noticed."

She of course could see right through your lies and sighed with sadness. Suddenly a moment of realization hit her as she looked at you remembering something she'd forgot. She put your shirt down, leaving your room in a hurry.

Where is she going?

She came back to your room holding a tiara that looked as if it were for an elf. It wasn't flashy or anything fancy. It had a small stone in the center held by wires swirling in every direction; it was beautiful.

"This was your mom's y/n," she said sadly.

A bucket of sadness and painful memories was dumped on your head weighing you down. You were old enough to remember her but too young to lose her.

Now We're Even (Bakugou x Reader) 💥🧡🖤💚💥Where stories live. Discover now