Chapter 5

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It's been a few months so far; your scars have begun to disappear but not completely. You made an agreement with Mr. Aizawa and Mizu that you could use your quirk once your arms cleared up. You also agreed with Mizu that you'd get a job at the farmers market around your area so you could help out. Mizu was more than capable of paying for rent since she got a well-paying job as an undercover hero along with her hobby as a dancer; you still wanted to help out in any way you could. Besides, it felt boring being home alone most of the time.

As for you and Bakugou, you two have been walking home together every day. On the weekends, you two would go to the same ramen restaurant to eat spicy ramen. You would tell Bakugou how your scars are healing and how excited you were to finally use your quirk again. He would talk about how your quirk is probably lame, going on about how he will be the number 1 hero letting no one get in his way.

You've been doing fairly well academically while catching up with all your makeup assignments. You'd sometimes sit with Uraraka and the girls at lunch; she ended up introducing you to them. You were nervous at first but eventually got comfortable enjoying their company. You were content knowing you finally had some friends.

Mr. Aizawa announced to the class there would be an upcoming two-day trip. The first day would just be having fun and the next day would be training. In order for the class to go on this trip you guys had to pass this huge midterm assessment test based on the curriculum. The class was given a practice exam that was pretty much what you would be tested on the midterm. You walked home with Bakugou looking at your practice exam at hand; you aced the math part but barely passed the reading portion.


You pouted as you put the test back in your backpack.

"Reading isn't my strongest subject. Once I get through the beginning of a paragraph I completely forget the rest; reading can kiss my ass. Besides you basically flunked the math portion so we're both struggling."

"SHUT UP!!" he replied.

You chuckled in response but felt stressed; you wanted to go on this trip so bad. Your scars would be completely gone by then so you would be able to train with your quirk.

This fucking midterm is tomorrow how the hell am I gonna pass this crap?

Bakugou seemed to notice you worrying and said something that surprised you.

"Tell you what, I help you study for the reading and you help me with math."

Your jaw slightly opened showing your shock, turning into a smile. Bakugou gave out a slight blush turning his face the other way.

"Don't go thinking I'll be helping your dumbass all the time so you better accept my offer!"

Still, with a smile on your face, you gave him the biggest hug.

"Thank you, Katsuki!"



You both decided to head to your place to study; Mizu was still at work so you two were home alone.

"Alright Bakugou, I'll start by helping you."

Now We're Even (Bakugou x Reader) 💥🧡🖤💚💥Where stories live. Discover now