Chapter 11

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Ever since the mock battle Bakugou has been a bit more protective over you. Before he would only text you goodnight but now his texts are now "how are you" or "where are were". He'd ask if you needed anything then end the day saying goodnight. You'd confront him about it but he'd start yelling saying how he obviously cares about you then accused you of thinking low of him. That was just his way of say he's new to actually caring a lot about someone. Out of nowhere one day, he showed up while you were at work watering the fields which really surprised you. He ended up walking around with you as you talked about all the fruits and vegetables that were growing.

The sports festival was coming up however you had to sit that one out. After having a conference with Mizu, Mr. Aizawa, and the principal the agreed it would be best that you would avoid being in the spotlight considering the fact that it would increase the chances of villains wanting to capture you again.

You were watching it in one of the monetary rooms happening bump into AllMight though he looked different. He tried covering it up but you swore that whatever it was you'd keep it with you and no one else. He told you how he was born quirkless, was given his quirk called one for all, and how he had passed it on to Deku. This didn't surprise you seeing just how similar there quirks were; if anything what shocked you the most was AllMights' weak form.

A couple of weeks later Mr. Aizawa announced to the class they would begin their internships. Since you didn't participate in the festival you didn't receive offers from any of the hero agencies so Mr.Aizawa sent you to intern for one of the pro heroes in Tokyo. As you both walked home, Bakugou was telling you about his internship with Best Jeanist saying how he chose to go with him since he's ranked the No. 4 hero.

"So why didn't you participate in the festival again." He asked.

"Mr. Aizawa and Mizu thought I shouldn't be in the spotlight since I might attract villains," you said floating beside him.

"Guess you didn't get an internship huh," he said jokingly.

"Shut up, Mr. Aizawa's sending me to Tokyo to intern for some pro heroes agency," you pouted.

"Tokyo?" He responded.

That moment he went silent realizing you were gonna be away from him for a while; it started to sink in you two would be spending less time together.

"We're still gonna text and FaceTime," you said since you noticed his worries.

"Yeah whatever, it's not like I'm gonna miss your dumbass," he said trying to hide it.


On the day you had to head to Tokyo for your internship Bakugou walked with you to the train station while carrying your luggage. Once you made it to your train you give Bakugou a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek saying goodbye. Right when you pulled away from him he grabbed you by the waist pulling you right back to him and kiss you. His lips felt so warm that you couldn't help but let go of your luggage to place your hand behinds his neck as you began to lightly lift off from the ground. After a few minutes making out with you he tightly hugged you back resting your face on his shoulder

"I'll miss you dumbass~" He whispered quietly.


It was a three-hour train ride to Tokyo so all you did was make some origami bunnies or took a long nap. Soon as the train made it, you grabbed your things and went to catch a public bus to the hero agency. You would've just flown over there but given that you couldn't use your quirk in public freely it kinda killed your mood.

Now We're Even (Bakugou x Reader) 💥🧡🖤💚💥Where stories live. Discover now