Chapter 12

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Hawks took you to a local meat stand and bought four chicken kebabs with pepper, coated in barbecue sauce. As promised, you wanted to pay for the next meal but your dumbass left your wallet back at his place. He ended up paying and you promised to pay him back when you two went back to his place; he reassured you it was alright. You both ended up eating side by side on the rooftop of his apartment building as the afternoon sun cascaded its warmth and color across the sky.

"So, tell me bout yourself. You know your backstory, hobbies, and stuff." Hawks asked.

You didn't really know what to say considering the fact that you lived a boring life and had a sob upbringing but it was better than not telling him anything and looking like an idiot.

"I'm 16, I like watching anime, eating spicy ramen, and I'm a really good cook," you took the last bite of your first kebab then went on to the next.

"I lost my mom at a young age and ever since then it's been a rollercoaster but I managed to move to Japan with my cousin and here I am today."
"Hmph, I see." Hawks was already close to finishing his second kebab while intently listening to you.

"So why you wanna be a hero then," he asked.

You finished your kebab using the stick like a toothpick.

"After my mom died, I'd always be captured, tortured, or harassed by villains who either wanted my power or try to get me to join their side. Where I was from I never had anyone to depend on, no one to save me or be the hero I needed. I was only able to depend on myself but it made me realized there are people out there who feel just like how I felt."

You set the sticks aside meeting your eyes with Hawks. His eyes were golden and shun a nice color with the light of the sun hitting him at the right angle.

"I just wanna be someone people can depend and count on, nothing more," you stated firmly ending with a slight smile.

Hawks just looked at you with a smile but you could tell by the look in his eyes the amazement he felt hearing your answer.

"Well, I must say," he stood up to stretch his back then look down at you. "I think you're gonna be a great hero. You have a sob backstory, an amazing quirk, great with people, but most of all have a purpose."

You chuckled at his response but felt flattered.

"Thanks, it means a lot," you responded with a smile.

After a brief moment of silence Hawks finally spoke.

"When Mr. Aizawa recommended you to me... I did some background research on you."

Huh? Why's he making it sound like I'd be a bad person to be an intern?

"I read the police reports on your kidnappings, attempts, everything." He sat back down facing you. "I gotta say you were a pretty strong and stubborn kid," he said with a smirk. " I think my favorite one was when you set three guys pants on fire and kicked the fourth one in the groin; that one made me laugh," he said with a chuckle.

Damn, I don't even remember that time, but that is pretty funny.

You giggle in response which made Hawks slightly blush a little but you couldn't tell since your eyes were closed. You got up to crack your back away from him. An idea popped in your head letting out a slight smirk.

"Yawns, I'm kinda bored," you said casually as you slowly leaned back at the edge of the rooftop causing you to fall. In an instant Hawks jumped of the building to try and catch you. You caught a glimpse of his worried expression then flew right up towards the sky. Taking in the breeze you then free fall all the way till you met Hawks gaze stopping mid-air right above him. You could tell by the look in his eyes he was crapping in his pants but he let out a small chuckle to hide it.

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