Chapter 7

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Bakugou complied with your request and walked with you to the beach. The moon was at its brightest, shedding light all across the ocean. You never went to the beach at night so it was a new experience for you. You felt the breeze of the cold air blowing through your hair and the warm sand between your toes. Thinking ahead before you left, you brought your blanket wrapping it around your shoulders. Bakugou didn't have anything but his black tank top and joggers; he didn't mind the cold. You'd breathe in the cold air as it left a tight pain in your throat then exhale a small cloud from the warmth of your breath.

"So..... what did you wanted to tell me." He finally said.

You took a deep breath exhaling slowly.

"Back in the room... when you were putting away my switch, I thought you were a villain. I thought the same thing back when we were studying together and you came from behind me out of nowhere."

"Why the hell would you think that?" He seemed confused with your answer.

"Soon as my quirk came about and after my mom passed away, villains would try to kidnap me every now and then; some were amateurs but most of them were determined. They would try to either steal my quirk or turn me into a villain. I grew accustomed to fighting back and escaping but the last time they kidnapped was bad."

Bakugou was silent taking in everything you'd just said. You pulled out your arms unraveling the bandages.

"They had me chained up demanding me to be on their side. I obviously refused but they weren't having it; they threaten to kill Mizu's mom and that's when I lost it. I had to overuse my quirk to escape but it really destroyed me; I felt so weak and tired. After all that happened, I moved in with Mizu and transferred to U.A; it was the best option for me."

You pulled out your arms to unravel your bandages.

"I wasn't allowed to use my quirk until all my scars from my last battle healed; that's why I haven't participated much."

"I don't see any scars" Bakugou replied looking at your arms.


You look at your arms with the light of the moon shinning over them; your scars were completely gone.

Holy shit!

"I'm starting to think your just a quirkless loser at this point," Bakugou said bluntly.

This man's gonna eat those words.

You let go of your blanket as you lifted yourself off the grown gently, allowing the air around you to assist you.

It doesn't hurt............let's go!

In a flash, you shoot yourself like a rocket up to the sky. Letting yourself free fall feeling the cold air rush through your hair and clothes. Once you came close to the water beneath you, you propel yourself to fly right above the water circling backward. You take your hand out feeling to cold water splash against your fingertips. Without a moment to waist, you manipulate the water as you fly up letting the stream of water surround you making it explode like a firework, water droplets rained down. You take a deep breath closing your eyes and crossing your fists over your face. You jerk your head up to the sky, release your arms to the side, and let out a breath of blazing hot fire; enough to burn a whole forest. You let out tears of happiness knowing that you were finally able to use your quirk.

You softly land on the sand where Bakugou stood beside you in complete and utter shock.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying earlier~," you said with a cocky grin.

Now We're Even (Bakugou x Reader) 💥🧡🖤💚💥Where stories live. Discover now