Chapter 9

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*Warning: Sexual Content up ahead*

It was the next morning and you were completely drained from work yesterday. You woke up to the sound of your alarm clock beside your bed; your hair in a messy bun wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt. Not ready to get up, you put it to snooze but it was still going off. In response, you got up, went out to your balcony, yeeted it away to lord knows where then headed back inside. After brushing your teeth and splashing cold water in your face you went to the kitchen to get some water. Once you were at your fridge with your water bottle you heard a knock at the door; you check the time on your oven seeing that it was

8:00 a.m

Who the hell is up at this hour?

Your initial thought was that Mizu was at the door.

She probably went to the bakery to pick up some pastries.

You go to open the door seeing Bakugou in a tank top with basketball shorts and busted sneakers.

"The hell you doing here, yawns, it's 8 in the morning," you said.

"I know," he said as he went inside sitting on your couch. You rolled your eyes letting out another yawn closing the door.

"Put some work out clothes and wake your dumbass up. We're leaving in thirty minutes," he said casually making himself comfortable on your couch.

"If this is your idea of a date, yawns, text me ahead of time or something cause this is way too early for me," you said as you went to go get change.

You put on a sports bra, biker shorts, and sneakers with your hair in a ponytail. You were pretty sure whatever Bakugou has planned it was going to be something active related. Even though you were lazy most of the time and inconsistent with working out you were actually pretty strong and had a lot of stamina so you weren't worried about it. Before heading to the living room you went to check up on Mizu in her room who was sound asleep; you left a note saying you would be gone for the day on a date with Bakugou. You came out seeing him on his phone then looking up at you blushing a little the turning his head the other way.

"Go...put a shirt on," he said unable to face you.

"You said to put on some workout clothes so this it." You said as you went up to him; he was still trying to hide his blushed face. An idea popped in your head letting out a sly grin. You sat on top of him, one arm over his shoulder, touching his chin with your finger moving his face to meet yours. You could tell from his face how caught off guard he was but didn't resist.

"What's the matter, can't take it~," you said batting your eyes.

His face grew soft with a slight smirk as he placed his hand on your neck in a chocking position which definitely made feel some type of way. Just as you were about to make a move he chokeslams you to the side of the couch.

"Fine, keep what your wearing," he said then meeting his crimson eyes with yours as he got on top of you "but if you try something like this again on me don't say I didn't warn you cause now I am," he said cockily as he got off of you and headed to the door; your face was completely red.

Ngl .........that was hot.

"You gonna keep laying there or not cause we're leaving now." He said, "and bring some water and an extra set of clothes!"


It was a long-ass walk but you two finally made it to some come kind of large warehouse center; it looked pretty sketchy on the outside. When you went inside you were completely surprised to see rock climbing walls everywhere with no one in sight. Now that you think about it you remember Bakugou saying one time that he liked to go rock climbing in his spare time; it started to make sense.

Now We're Even (Bakugou x Reader) 💥🧡🖤💚💥Where stories live. Discover now