Chapter 14

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                                                                                                 A couple of days earlier
After being unconscious the whole night and morning you groggily woke up from the cold floor. You noticed your arms were completely chained to a pole. Both of your feet were cuffed and you had a muzzle covering half of your face; chains were something common villains used on you but this was new. You looked around to see exactly where you were. It was pretty dark since there were no windows but it looked like you were in an abandoned storage unit. From afar you could see a door; at least you knew were to escape.

Wait?! MIZU!!!??

Just as you were about to attempt to break free a few people came out from the door. There was the black-haired purple skin guy you met earlier and was the one who knocked you out; his name was Dabi. Then there was this pretty cute blonde chick in school uniform with a bandage on the arm; you immediately assumed she was the one who pretended to be Mizu. Then came this lizard man, magician looking guy, and all these weird-ass looking people that didn't concern you. Your only concern was getting the hell out of here and finding Mizu.

"Good your awake," said Dabi "for a sec I thought I hit you too hard."

The blonde chick next to him slapped the side of his arm with her good arm.

"You idiot! You should've hit her sooner she practically broke my arm."

Now I know she's the one who impersonated Mizu.

Two more people came out the door; one appeared to be a guy complete made of purple smoke with glowing yellow eyes. Beside him was this really weird guy with blue hair and hands all over him. He approached you but maintained his distance from you.

"I must say it's an honor to meet you," he said in a very weird and creepy voice.

Most of the villains you encountered were either idiots or really freaky; he appears to be in between.

"Dabi take that thing off her mouth so she can talk."

"I don't think that's a good idea. She's probably gonna retaliate the moment we take it off."

I would do that, but there's too many of you bastards here so I would just wait. Then again I wouldn't mine burning his whole ass off; it'll complete his look.

"Nonsense we're trying to recruit her not make her our prisoner."

Dabi was hesitant and looked towards the blonde girl.

"Toga, you do it."

"You crazy! She broke my wrist I'm not going near her." She pouted.

He took one good look at you then sighed. He went up to you and gently took off the muzzle. You obviously couldn't see from the back of your head but you analyzed the subtle clicks and twists it made. It sounded just like if you would unbuckle a belt which was a relief; you'd be able to snatch it out of your face easily. He slowly removed the muzzle and swiftly backed away. You didn't do anything; you were just silent.

"Were terribly sorry for the inconvenience. We just wanted to take extra precautions; we heard you had quite the quirk."

There was an awkward silence in the room which confused him.

"I assume she can talk," he whispered. "He didn't tell me she was dea-"

"Aight ya'll got about 2 minutes to explain why the hell I'm here and where's Mizu! I'm a very impatient person so it be best not to test it!" You yelled interrupting him.

"Ah, there she is." The hand guy exclaimed.

"My name is Tomura Shigaraki. We brought you here so you could join us. Someone told us about you and we thought you'd be a valid candidate."

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