Chapter 13

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Lazily opening your eyes you saw that you'd ended up in a hospital bed. You look to your right seeing Hawks napping in a chair beside you. After speaking with the cops he rode with you in the ambulance vehicle and was by your side all the way. He wanted to make sure you were alright; he was worried you wouldn't wake up. You gently sat up from your bed and lightly blew a gush of air that sent Hawks a chill causing him to wake up. His eyes widened seeing you awake with your warm smile.

"Is the boy alright?" You asked.

He got up walking to your side.

"He's fine, no injuries, and is with his mom."

You let out a shuttle sigh of relief with a smile.

"That's good."

He ran his fingers through his hair trying to shake off his worries for you. You noticed and in response tugged at his sleeve.

"Hey...I'm alright, ok." You said gently.

"You really had me worried kid. You just ran off without thinking. You can't do that; we're supposed to be a team, you're not on your own."

He was right. Then again you couldn't just stand by and do nothing. Something inside of you felt that you were the cause of it; you didn't know why but you knew you had to do something. You curled your finger on his sleeve feeling bad for making him worry.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't stand by," you responded.

He could tell how sincere you were and let out his finger and lightly touched the wrist of your hand tugging at his sleeve.

"It's alright kid, I'll let it slide only this time but Mr. Aizawa isn't gonna be so happy when he finds out bout this. He'll probably grill me first then at you so I'll try and cover your back so he isn't too harsh with your lecture."

You laughed a little at his remark causing him to let out a small smile. You let go of his sleeve so he could walkout.

"Oh by the way some angry loud blonde kid has been in the waiting room asking for you."

That's Bakugou!?

"I know him! Can you let the doctors bring him to me please," you asked.

A few minutes went by till you saw Bakugou standing out by the door. He looked pale with his crimson eyes filled with fear.

"Bakugou your supposed to be at your internship you can't be here."

He walked slowly towards you disregarding what you were saying.

"Are you even listening to me? Bakugou you shouldn't be here your internshi—"

He cut you off, hugging you tightly as he sunk his head in your shoulders.

"I saw the news. You idiot, I was so worried about you." You could feel the warmth from his cheeks and a tear that seemed to slip from his eye to your shoulder.


"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for being a dumbass and not being there for you when you needed me. I thought you wouldn't wake up; I didn't want to leave things the way we left it." He clutched you even tighter "I'm sorry damnit!"

You could feel the tears coming from your eyes. He really was worried about you which made you feel bad. You hugged him in return resting your face in his shoulders.

"I forgive you Katsuki, please don't cry; I'm alright. Everything's ok now~"
He sunk his head deeper into your shoulder.
"I'm not crying!" He yelled through your shoulder. "I'm just sweating around my eyes."

Now We're Even (Bakugou x Reader) 💥🧡🖤💚💥Where stories live. Discover now