Chapter 16

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You were back in the hospital recovering from your burns. To your surprise, your legs weren't scaring; based on what the doctors said you were completely dehydrated and passed out from starvation. They also said you weren't able to walk at the time due to the bruises on your ankles though it didn't feel like it. You were thoroughly investigated by the police who were clearly only interested in getting leads on what they were called the League of Villains. Mr. Aizawa had to step in and stare them down telling them to give you some time to process. You hadn't really spoken since the day they found you. You still couldn't believe that Mizu was gone and neither did Mr. Aizawa. It was a hard pill that both of you had to swallow. After the police's continued search throughout the warehouse and area, Mizu was nowhere to be found.

Once you were ready to speak to the police you told them everything that happened. The blonde chick impersonating Mizu, them knocking you out, and the Shigaraki asking you to join the league. You told them about how you got your injuries from your escape and that you were the cause of the explosion then lost consciousness; you told them about everything except for Dabi. He was someone you wanted to deal with and no one else.

Bakugou would visit you at the hospital once in a while during the night sneaking you some spicy ramen which brightened your mood a bit but just seeing him made you smile. You both ate your ramen in silence with nothing but a lamp shedding light to the room. You haven't spoken to him about what happened and he never bother to pry. After you finished your ramen Bakugou reached for your hand holding it softly while running his thumb atop your injected IV. Even though he came late to your rescue it didn't matter. What mattered was that he was here then and he was here now.

He was all you had left.

The thought was playing in your mind on loop causing you to tear up.

"It's going to be okay," he said softly.

He wanted to tell you how sorry he was for not being there on time. All he could feel was the weight of guilt in his heart watching you cry; he couldn't stand seeing you this sad.

You looked up at him with eyes flowing like a running faucet. His words were reassuring but you couldn't push away the guilt and sadness you felt in your heart.

I'm the reason Mizu is dead....

Bakugou set his ramen aside and went to hug you. You held onto him gripping his shirt as you cried the night away. He never left your side.


"Let me know when you have everything packed so I can bring the car back sweetie!"

Soon after you recovered and were ready to go back home, the police had proposed putting you in foster care given that you were still underaged to be living by yourself. That would mean you'd have to transfer out of U.A and start all over again; that was the last thing you wanted to do.

To your surprise, Bakugou's mom came barging in claiming she would take custody of you. When she heard the news from Bakugou she immediately wanted you without question or second thought. You hugged her with all your might thanking her from the bottom of your heart as you broke out in tears.

She was the angel you needed at that moment.

You were now packing your things in your apartment to now live with Bakugou and his family. You'd be staying in his room which made your cheeks red and flushed with emotions just thinking about it. While you were bringing your box of things to the living room you look across the hall seeing Mizus room.

Now We're Even (Bakugou x Reader) 💥🧡🖤💚💥Where stories live. Discover now