Chapter 19

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*Warning*: Sexual Content up ahead

Still holding you as you were getting emotional hearing his response. He carried you to his room then sat you on his bed sliding you gently by his side. He was quiet for a moment recollecting his thoughts then finally spoke.

"When...we first met...I thought you were an asshole too."

Pfffffttttttt hahahahahaha!

"But... the more I was with you I started looking at you more. I saw how strong you were on your own, caring about others before yourself, and not giving a crap about what others think. It made me realize I wanted to be around you more."

He reaches out to your hand holding it firmly but gently at the same time.

"You were the one that still stood by my side even when.....I... act out."

Omg, he's calling himself out?! Who is this man?!!

"You believed in me even though no one else would."

He was shy but he finally built the courage to look you in the eyes. His cheeks were flushed and his crimson eyes couldn't be any more genuine than they were now.

"I love you y/n."

Letting out a warm smile with a few tears of joy you got on your knees giving him a hug. It was the first time he actually told you why he cared about you. You sunk your head down his shoulder wiping your tears with his jean jacket as he hugged you tight. You pop your head out and gently hold his warm cheek giving him a small kiss on the lips.

"Now we're even~," you said sweetly.

He let out a small smirk as he ran his fingers through your hair; he couldn't help but get lost in your eyes and figure. His hands trailed from your hair down to your waist pulling you closer to him. His eyes went from soft to hungry grasping your waist firmly.

You let off a seductive look feeling the energy he was exuding, running your fingers through his ash-blonde air. It took a matter of seconds for his lips to meet yours, only this time it was rough. He manages to slip his tongue between your lips placing his other hand on your neck benevolently pulling you towards him.

You get on his lap desperate for more; in response, he turns you overlaying you down as he got on top of you. You could feel his warm hand slowly creep under your shirt signaling you to take it off. He began leaving a trail of soft kisses down your cheek up to your chest. You let out soft moans tugging at his hair.

"Condoms," you said breathlessly.

He went blank for a moment but quickly leaned towards his nightstand rummaging through his drawer. Casually, he takes out a box pulling one out.

"When did you get that, "you were curious.

He was hesitant to respond not wanting to ruin the moment.

"Mizu gave them to me when I came over one day. She thought it was best she gave them to me thinking I was gonna be the one to make the first move; she even gave me the talk."

You couldn't help but let out a laugh thinking how about Mizu trying to act all serious. Let alone had the guts to blatantly give him a box of condoms.

"The hell you laughing at!"

You sit yourself up, cutting him off with a kiss whispering at his ear.

Now We're Even (Bakugou x Reader) 💥🧡🖤💚💥Where stories live. Discover now