Chapter 15

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"So y/n, have you given it a second thought?"

It was the next day and Shigaraki along with the other villains came back expecting an answer from you. You thought by now someone would've noticed your disappearance and come to your rescue; unfortunately, it was not the case this time around. It took a while for you to regain your necessary strength to bust out of here but now you were more than ready. As soon as you break free you were going to do everything in your power to find and rescue Mizu. But first, you were gonna give these clowns a piece of your mind.

"As a matter of fact, I have." You said proudly.

Shigaraki seemed pleased with your response letting out a small smirk underneath the hand covering his face.

"It would be fun being a villain: not having to follow rules, not caring what others think, and doing whatever you want. Sounds like a free life to me."

At this point, everyone seemed to buy your answer except for Dabi who was looking at you with suspicion.

"But... then I think about it more and remember all the villains I've encountered in my life. The inconvenience they brought upon me, the pain I felt and endured, not to mention them making my loved ones suffer due to my absence. Now, that right there is what you guys are... but not me. If it means I have to be a hero to give you guys the beating you deserve then so be it."

Even though your muzzle covering your mouth muffled the sound of your voice your message was clear. You looked at him with death in your eyes making sure your point went through his head like a dart hitting the bullseye.

"If your that desperate for me to join your little villain gang, cause ya'll are a bunch pussies, why don't you suck my dick!"

The hand guy was silent but tension filled the room like a spilled bucket of paint spreading across a blank canvas. You could tell he was visibly pissed but to your surprise, he let out a chuckle.

"I figured you'd say that. After all, your just as stubborn as your mother."

Him carelessly mentioning her boiled your blood and fueled your rage.

"So I decided to take it upon myself to make sure you joined us."

What the hell is he talking about?

"That cousin of yours, I believe you mentioned her name was Mizu. She's currently in the same position as you are but not for long."

You felt your hands clenching against your chains. They started to heat up from your anger causing the metal chains to nearly melt.

"I don't think I explained to you my quirk. You see anything I touch will simply decay and turn into nothing but dust."
He pulled from his pocket what looked like a small ball. Holding it in his hands displaying it to you as you sat with concern in your eyes. Just as he said the ball started to decay and turn into a pile of ash in a matter of seconds.

"I'm sure you know what I'll say next so let me ask you this one last time." He walked closer to you looking down where you sat helplessly chained in your anger and worry.

"Will you join us?"

You were hesitant; you thought about Mizu and her alone. You knew if she was here she would cry out hysterically telling you to not listen to them and forget about her. Thinking about that almost brought you to tears but you had to push away your emotions and make your decision.

"Fine, I'll join you guys," you said lifelessly.

The hand guy was about to express his joy hearing your answer but you cut him off.

Now We're Even (Bakugou x Reader) 💥🧡🖤💚💥Where stories live. Discover now