Chapter 8

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It has been a few weeks since seeing the shocking news that All Might knew mom. You had a million questions racing through your head with not a single answer. You'd ask Mizu about it but she was just as shocked as you were finding out. You showed Bakugou when he came over but he found it hard to believe.

Ever since the two of you had made it official after that kiss on the beach nothing much has changed. You still would continue to walk home together and eat ramen at the same restaurant. One thing that definitely change was Bakugou making unannounced visits to your house during the weekends. He would either offer to cook which you two would argue about saying you were the better chef and just end up having a cook-off or him just hanging out with you watching anime or playing Mario Kart on the switch. Heck even when you couldn't give him your undivided attention cause you had homework to do he would still be with you just laying on your bed while you work. You actually enjoined his company even though neither of you were interacting.

You ended up getting a job working at the farmers market by your house as promised to Mizu. You either had to move fruit or vegetables that had been grown in the fields to the market or water the sprouting roots. You spent less time with Bakugou having to juggle both homework and your job but you still managed to keep in touch with him texting or FaceTiming.

You'd try getting in contact with All Might but he was nowhere to be found until the day he called you into his office regarding your hero costume that had just arrived.

"Young Y/n, it's good to see you; its been a while," he exclaimed as he handed you your costume.

"It definitely has," you responded. You took a deep breath taking out the photo and placing it on his desk. He saw the photo and was immediately shocked; almost as if he saw a ghost.

"How did you know my mom," you asked sternly.

He was silent for a while till he finally responded.

"I.....I wasn't certain that you were her daughter till now. The first time we met and I saw your tiara I knew it was from her but I thought it was impossible. It had been so long that I didn't even know she had you."

What is he talking about? What does he mean "so long."

"Me and your mom were best friends back when we were in U.A. She was just like you; the same quirk, only without being able to control fire, and would scar or faint anytime she overused her quirk."

You took a seat in front of his desk as he began to talk more about mom.

"One day she came to school with her tiara and ever since then she stopped scaring whenever she overused her quirk; she was a beast, her only goal was to become a hero........but after graduating U.A.....I never saw her again. It was as if she vanished."

You were in complete shock but in reality, you were disappointed. You expected more; something that could've brought you closer to mom. Tears began streaming your face as you listened to him.

"Now realizing it was her that died that day.......I can't help but feel even more regret! I should have been there!" he yelled in pain with sadness in his eyes. You both were silent for a while till you broke it.

"I understand All Might, I wasn't there for her either. That day she said she had to go take care of something and left. It was weird because I was always with her, it was just me and her till that day. Her last words to me were I love you.... but I never said it back. I just smiled as she disappeared walking out the door; I thought she would come back. I thought by now I had already accepted the fact that she's gone but I'm still crying. I may not have remembered much of my time with her but I remember the moments that mattered, so hold onto the ones you have with her because that's all we can do.~"

Now We're Even (Bakugou x Reader) 💥🧡🖤💚💥Where stories live. Discover now