"Goodbye Emma"

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I walked out of the loo and saw Freddie had left. Roger and John were having a heated discussion about who can down the most vodka without puking and I couldn't help but laugh at them. They were clearly intoxicated and it was fun seeing them bicker at each other like that.

"How are you not exhausted?" I murmured as I walked towards them. John's eyes looked up and met mine "hey Em, is it okay if I crash here?" he asked without acknowledging my question. 

"Uh, sure"

"Thanks, I'm pretty sure V wont appreciate me coming home in this state"

"Sure thing Deacon, you can take the couch. It's pretty comfy"

John sent me a friendly smile and nodded. I sat down on the floor and took another shot of vodka. They had pretty much emptied my cabinet of alcohol, which was fine with me, it hadn't been opened for a good year or so.

"Emma, since long hair is getting the couch, can I join you in bed?" Roger whispered and licked his lips while locking his eyes on mine. I rolled my eyes and scuffed.

"And where exactly am I going to sleep then?"

"On top of me"


I punched his shoulder and couldn't help but giggle. His dumb remarks never fails to make me laugh, especially since I had been drinking too. "You know what, I don't even care. Let's go to bed blondie" I mumbled and got up from the couch. 

"Wait what?" Roger almost shouted as he rose up from the couch beside me.

John bursted out laughing as Roger practically ran into my bedroom. I face palmed and shook my head. "He's so horny all the time" I whispered as a smile appeared on my face. 

"Who can blame him" John said quietly and looked down on the floor. I frowned at his unexpected comment. I crossed my arms and waited for him to elaborate. 

"I mean, you're quite stunning" he added and drunkenly got up from the couch. He sent me a smile and the frown was still on my face.

"Excuse you?" I exclaimed and tried to hold back a laugh. John was always kind towards me, but never complimented me like that, which was confusing me. The alcohol made my head spin and I started to ponder if this was a dream. I shook my head and sighed.

John walked over to me and pulled me in a hug. I could tell he was very drunk and so was I, but the hug was nice. Comforting. 

Unexpectedly, John pressed his lips against mine and I stood still for a few seconds, not being able to move or react. 

My eyes were wide open and I bursted out in laughter. I fell down on the couch and tears started to leave my eyes. John awkwardly giggled and tried to cover his face with his long hair. 

"A friendly kiss. Nothing less, nothing more" he mumbled and face palmed. I started laughing even more and my stomach started to hurt. "Oh John, you never cease to amaze me" I cried.

The entire room was spinning around and I decided to join Roger in bed. I kissed John on the cheek after making sure he had a blanket for the night. 

I couldn't stop laughing to myself, I don't know what's more funny. John kissing me or the fact that Rog is laying in my bed.

I sighed and walked over to my small bedroom. I turned the knob and slowly opened the door. To my surprise, Roger was still awake and watched me as I walked in.

"Hey you" he yawned.

"Blondie. Scoot over" I yawned and he quickly made room for me. I pulled my pants down and let my hair up in a bun.

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