"I'll be back soon"

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As we came arrived at Roger's apartment, I thanked him once again and he showed me his guestroom. It was small, but doable. 

Roger started getting himself ready as we were going out in an hour. I managed to take a shower and looked somewhat presentable after some makeup and a nice skirt and shirt. "Is this alright?" I asked Roger and looked down to correct the skirt. "You look beautiful!" he exclaimed, lifted me up in his arms and spinned us around a few times. 

"Thanks Rog," I kissed his cheek and walked over to the door. "Will you be driving or do we take a taxi?" I asked and watched as Roger pulled a jacket over his arms.

"A taxi for sure my love, I'm going all in on the drinks tonight" Roger sang as he locked the door. 

It didn't take long until we were at the restaurant. It was quite normal, nothing too fancy. Just what I needed.

"Emma you came!" I heard Chrissie screech as she saw me. She ran into my arms and I couldn't help but laugh, "Hi Chris", I hugged her back and Brian too, when he joined us. "Nice to see you Emma" he politely said. "You too Brian" I sent him a friendly smile and we walked over to our table.

"What are we eating tonight?" Roger asked, as we all were browsing through the menu. I could fell his eyes on me, but I just ignored it. "I think I'll get some spare ribs and chips" I announced and smiled at Chrissie. "Oh yes! Me too. What are you getting baby?" she asked Brian as he puffed.

"I'm glad you decided to come out with us," Roger leaned in towards me, "get whatever you want, I'll pay" he added and ran his hand down my cheek and winked. 

"I'm so happy you're well enough to come out and eat Brian, it must've been a nightmare for you" I said and took a sip of the red wine. I needed to hold back, if I started drinking before I get food down, I'll pass out by the time the food arrive.

"Me too. It's been the worst, never experienced quite anything like that. I'm still not feeling a 100%, but I needed to come out tonight" he said and looked at Chrissie with a smile. "I'm glad you decided to come" Chrissie kissed his cheek and clapped him gently on his chest.

The next few hours was nice, we ate well, drank a lot and had so much fun. Brian and Chrissie had to go since Brian was started to feeling unwell, so me and Roger decided to go up to the bar and order drinks. "You sure you can handle it?" Roger asked concerned as he observed me. 

"Good God, yes! I'm feeling great, I've showered, eaten I mean what more do you want from me?" I exclaimed and waved my arms around. "I mean really" I puffed and took a sip of the beer. "How's it going with the new album?" I asked Roger to change the subject.

"I'm this close," he said and pushed his fingers together, "to rip Fred's head off. Even John was yelling at him. It's crazy" Roger puffed and down his lager. 

"At least we're done recording now. The album is done" 

"Wait, hold on? Is it really over?" 


"What the hell, tell me more!" I outbursted and gently pushed his shoulder. I can't believe I didn't know that, but then again, I hadn't been at work or taking any calls. 

"I called to tell you the other day. Anyways, it's done! 'Sheer heart attack' will get released November. We do plan on releasing some of the singles soon though"

"Wait which ones, tell me!" I exclaimed happily and couldn't stop smiling. "Well.. If we sneak in, I can play them for you" he whispered as he leaned in. "Wait, sneak in where? Trident?!" my eyes got big and started to feel a bit anxious. 

"But Rog, what if Sheffield is there? H-He can't s-see me" I stuttered and felt nervous.

"It's fine, I'll go in first and make sure no one's around! Come on, let's go now" Roger eagerly got up from his chair and pulled me after him.

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