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This story is 100% fiction and I love Yoonseok as friends more then a relationship, some idols have said that dislike being shipped together, idk if BTS have said so (I haven't found prof yet) and I respect that but just think of this as a way of me appreciating their friendship as abit more then friends but still knowing that they are friends. If any BTS members are reading, I'm sorry and know that I respect and love you and I'm only doing this because I like writing but I respect you all as people!♥︎

This is collaboration with Seventh_Crayon go check her out

"Why do we have to die? What does it feel like? What do you think happens? Where will our souls go? Do you believe in God? Do you think someone is looking after us? Do you-" Yoongi asked his therapist as she snapped her pen in half, glaring at Yoongi as he gave her a confused look.

"I can't deal with your questions anymore! I can't deal with you anymore! Go find another therapist that can actually handle your stupid questions!" She yelled at him before storming out of the room, leaving Yoongi behind like all of his other therapist.

Yoongi softly signed, getting up and walking out the door into the lounge area. He saw as his ex-theripist quickly filling out paperwork to not have him anymore. She looked up at him, glaring at him as he walked out of the front door. Guess he won't go back there until they get a new therapist or someone gives him another try. Will he ever get better? Is this what the world wanted? Or is this what God wanted? Is God even real? Or is he just a way for people to cope with the fact that nothing really matters?

Yoongi quickly arrived at his house, walking inside as he saw a picture of him, his best friend and his sister. He smiled at the picture before kissing his sisters face, missing her more then anything in the world. She died two years ago, shot in a bar. That was around the time when Yoongi started to ask these questions, wanting to know why the one person in life he trusted with more then his life had to die. Why was her innocent smile taken from him? He could be happy if his sister hadn't been shot that day. He wishes he was in her place so she could brighten up this dark world.

Yoongi walked away from the picture, going onto his laptop before he had to get ready for work. He looked through Instagram, quickly getting bored from everyone bragging about their 'luxury' lives. He definitely isn't jealous of them cause they aren't happy, they just brag about how rich they are in hopes of attention. He decided to go onto Twitter, hoping to find something interesting to keep his attention for a bit.

"Well that was pointless, why did I think Twitter would have anything but highschool-ers saying they're rich and want some dick or pussy?  Should just-" Yoongi said as he got a notification from that one place he goes to that doesn't help him at all.

"Hello, we are here to announce a new therapist entering our facility. He just came out of college so please treat him well, please give a warm welcome to Jung Hoseok." A voice behind Hoseok read as he looked behind himself, seeing his best friend and roommate Kim Seokjin.

"Holy Mother of fuckery! Where the hell did you come from?!" Yoongi yelled at his roommate as Seokjin rolled his eyes.

"I came from your ass, let me be the first to tell you that you have a fine ass my friend." Seokjin said as Yoongi rolled his eyes, following the older outside his room as they went to the kitchen.

"Are you going to try him out?" Seokjin asked as Yoongi shook his head, he didn't want some in experienced peace of shit to 'help' him with his problems.

"Of course not, he doesn't have any experience and he'll probably get tired of me after the first day." Yoongi said, playing with his chopsticks as Seokjin cooked food. Seokjin suddenly stopped and walked over to Yoongi, grabbing his face before slapping him across the face.

"What the hell?!" Yoongi yelled as he held his face, Seokjin slapping again but harder.

"Get a hold of yourself! You have to try him cause nobody else will even take you! You're lucky that place even let's you stick around with them!" Seokjin yelled in his face as Yoongi rolled his eyes, ignoring his friends words.

"You have to at least try him, if he quits on you then give him a bad review and his career is ruined forever." Seokjin said as he walked back over to the oven.

"I don't wanna tho." Yoongi said as Seokjin groaned, looking over at his short friend.

"I'll drive you and stay in the other room if you want." Seokjin said as Yoongi yay'd, getting up and hugging him.

"You're the best hyung! Can you sign me up as well?" Yoongi asked with begging cat eyes as Seokjin tried not to UwU, failing as he squashed Yoongis cheeks.

"Fine, but after a week you're driving yourself." Seokjin said as Yoongi groaned. "I'll remind you every other day~" Seokjin sang as Yoongi went to his room, signing himself up so Seokjin could drive him longer.

"This won't be that bad, jut do be yourself and push him away. You only really need Seokjin in your life so what's the point is having other people?" Yoongi asked himself as he finished signing up, immediately getting Monday's Wednesday's and Friday's. Sense tomorrow was Monday he would see this new guy the next day.

"I'm ready for hell." Yoongi said to himself as he sighed.

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