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"I'm not going on that Yoongi, that's to high." Hoseok sternly said as Yoongi pouted, trying to pull Hoseok up to a random roller coaster.

"Come on, it's not that big, it's just a fair roller coaster." Yoongi softly pouted, holding Hoseok's hand in a cute way as Hoseok pouted back to him.

"It's scary tho." Hoseok softly said as Yoongi pouted even more, kissing Hoseok hand.

"I'll hold your hand the whole way if you ride it with me." Yoongi poutingly said as Hoseok still shook his head, softly booping Yoongi's nose.

"Nothing you say is gonna make me ride this thing, babe." Hoseok said as Yoongi's face went pink, the elder thinking of something.

"I'll send you pictures of me cross-dressing if you ride it with me." Yoongi said as Hoseok looked at him, softly kissing his cheek.

"I'll do it, but you have to send every single one, nothing can be left out." Hoseok said as Yoongi rolled his eyes, pulling the younger to the roller coaster. Both of them standing in line as Yoongi crossed his arms, Hoseok softly back hugging him.

"Baby, are you mad at me?" Hoseok softly asked as Yoongi looked at him, raising his eyes brow at the youngers sad face.

"You're so clingy." Yoongi said as they moved up the line, Hoseok still holding him as people gave them looks, some weird and some cute.

"You're making people stare." Yoongi pouted as Hoseok smirked, pushing Yoongi up with his hips as Yoongi elbowed him.

"Ow! Meanie." Hoseok poutingly said as Yoongi kissed his nose, getting into the cart as Hoseok followed him.

"Time for hell, Seokie." Yoongi said, winking at the younger as he pouted. The roller coaster woman then started to talk as the handle bars went down.

"No going back." Hoseok softly said as he grabbed onto Yoongi's hand, tightly holding on as the ride started to move.

"Damn dude, calm the f down." Yoongi softly said as Hoseok squeezed his hand even tighter.

"I have a really big fear of somethings, and roller coasters just happens to be one of them." Hoseok said as Yoongi giggled at him.

"Don't laugh at me! Meanie." Hoseok softly pouted as Yoongi booped his nose, Hoseok about to say something as Yoongi lifted their hands up. Hoseok freezing as he looked ahead, immediately screaming as they went over the first hill.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU AND THIS! WHY DID I AGREE TO DO THIS?!!!?!?! I FUCKING HATE MYSELF-AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Hoseok screamed as they went through the roller coaster, Yoongi softly laughing as Hoseok basically squeezed him to death. The younger screaming out hatred for everything, Yoongi's arms up in the air as he smiled his gummy smile.

The ride slowly pulled up to the stop pad, Hoseok literally pulling Yoongi out of the seat as he tried to leave.

"Can't we ride it again, it was so short." Yoongi poutingly asked as Hoseok held his hand, trying to pull him out of the exit.

"That ride is evil, I refuse to go on it again." Hoseok said as he looked at the smaller.

"Seokie" Yoongi whined out.

"Yoongi." Hoseok whined out as they pouted at eachother.

"Fine, we don't have to ride it again but you have to buy me ice cream." Yoongi said as he pulled Hoseok away from the ride and to a dippin dots stand. Hoseok softly laughing at the shorters baby vibes.
This story's still on hold, I just miss it and might think of updating it every other day.

Like update Partners In Crime and then this story and Only Time Will Tell friday's, it's seems more stressful but each story will get done faster. Idk, I might do it.

Anygays, talk to you soon (maybe)

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