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It was now around 12:30pm, Hoseok and Yoongi had gotten up to started the day. They were both in the kitchen, Yoongi making lunch as Hoseok watched from the bar-like counter.

"How are you so good at cooking?" Hoseok asked with an amazed smile on his face, Yoongi looked at him with a smile.

"Practice sunshine, you always have to practice if you want to accomplish anything," Yoongi said as Hoseok cooed at him, softly booped his small nose as Yoongi made a face.

"You really gotta teach me how to cook," Hoseok said as Yoongi sighed, looking into Hoseok's eyes.

"It'll take a lot of time, effort, dedication, and willpower, it's not just a thing you can pick up over night," Yoongi said, snapping his fingers as his phone started to ring.

"Oh my god, Yoongi's a magician," Hoseok said in awe as Yoongi rolled his eyes, picking up the phone call.

"What?" Yoongi coldly asked as he heard a familiar voice. "Oh my god, Seokjin Hyung! I've been with this maniac that is obsessed with me everyday for the past week, he won't stop calling me pet names and hugging me," Yoongi said as he rolled his eyes.

"You enjoy my affection!" Hoseok pouted as Seokjin laughed through the phone.

"Okay, well Yoongi I wanna have dinner with you and Hoseok tonight for an important announcement," Seokjin said as Yoongi rolled his eyes, sighing as he looked at Hoseok.

"How important is this announcement?" Yoongi asked as Hoseok blew him a kiss, Yoongi swatting it away.

"Life changing, wear something fancy and do tell Hoseok," Seokjin said as Yoongi rolled his eyes, hanging up the phone afterwords as Hoseok hit a phone call.

"Yoongi's refusing to do something again, isn't he?" Hoseok asked as Seokjin let out a soft 'yes'.

Seokjin carefully explained the plan to Hoseok as Yoongi ate his food. Hoseok learned that this was the night Seokjin, Namjoon, and Jimin we're going to tell Yoongi about them, so it had to be perfect for them. Hoseok, of course, was there for if Yoongi got angry or if he ran away and stayed with Hoseok for the night.

Yoongi was a lot like Seokjin's child, Seokjin would be moving on with life and Yoongi would always be there for him to take care of. Never in an annoying way tho! Seokjin was always the person Yoongi would look up too, and Seokjin would show Yoongi that his hopes and dreams were important and valuable.

"Okay Yoongi, we should go shopping for those clothes now, we really do wanna look nice for this super expensive and fancy restaurant we're going too," Hoseok said as Yoongi glared at him.

"I have two words to say to you and I really hate to say this because it's you but, Fuck No," Yoongi said before going into his room, and by his it means Hoseok's , as he flipped him off.

"Well damn, this is gonna be a long day," Hoseok said as he started to walk to his room where Yoongi was.

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