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"I ain't goin to no fucking dinner party," Yoongi angrily said as Hoseok sighed, sitting next to him on the bed as he rubbed the smallers back.

The both of them sat together as Hoseok rested his back on the couch, Yoongi following soon after as they looked at the ceiling. They both felt internal bliss in their hearts as Yoongi called himself down. And that was the perfect moment to calmly and slowly convince Yoongi to go to that party.

"Yoongi, you know I have deep feelings for you, correct?" Hoseok suddenly asked as Yoongi instantly broke out into a blush, he was not expecting that for sure.

"Y-Yeah, I have deep feelings for you as well. . ." Yoongi softly blushed as Yoongi hid his face in his sweater.

"I want you to be happy, Yoongi. All I want in my life is for you to be happy again," Hoseok said as he looked over at Yoongi's soft face.

Yoongi blushed as he heard those words come out of Hoseok's pure heart. Hoseok softly lifted Yoongi's chin, he softly rubbed his soft lips. Yoongi's soft face was always so precious to Hoseok, he never wanted Yoongi's innocence to fade from his bright eyes.

Hoseok studied Yoongi's face, loving this soft innocence yet needy boyfriend type feeling. Hoseok slowly brushed Yoongi's hair out of his face, looking at even more of Yoongi's pink, flustered face.

"I would do anything to make you happy, Yoongi," Hoseok said as Yoongi looked into his eyes, a soft yet surprised face showed on his face.

"Wh-Why are you saying these kinds of things, Hoseok?" Yoongi softly asked as Hoseok looked at him.

"I want you to know how much you mean to me, you are the only person I've ever felt so comfortable with. I want you to know that I would never use you and that I care for you no matter the time, I trust you're word," Hoseok said as Yoongi softly nodded, deciding that he wanted to tell Hoseok all of his feelings about him.

Yoongi softly lifting up his chin, their lips in direct contact with each other as they started to slowly close the gap. The both of them knew they liked each other, but because they refuse to suck up their pride and don't decide to tell each other their real emotions this is still going on after fifty chapters. (Literally this is the 50th fucking chapter -.-)

"Yoongi," Hoseok softly whispered as Hoseok peck Yoongi's nose. Yoongi looked at Hoseok as he looked like an Angel sent from heaven. Hoseok softly smiled at him as Yoongi, confusingly, smiled back, not exactly understanding what was happing.

"I really want you at that dinner party, yes you will have to socially interact but it'll only be filled with people you know and love," Hoseok said as Yoongi glared at him.

"Fuck you," Yoongi savagely said as he crossed his arms, pissed of at his cute little crush.

"Then what will make you come to the party?" Hoseok whined at Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"I just don't wanna go, it's just stupid and I wanna stay home and watch movies with you," Yoongi said as he picked up his phone, trying to ignore Hoseok's rants.

"Can I pay you?" Hoseok asked as Yoongi still glared at him.

"Dear god, fine I'll go to that stupid party, let go shopping dumbass," Yoongi said as he grabbed Hoseok's hand to go shopping with him for some new clothes.


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