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"So where exactly is this nightclub?" Hoseok asked as they drove in the empty street in the middle of the city.

"Down an alley somewhere," Yoongi said as he looked at the street names and down the alleys they drove by.

"That doesn't seem sketchy at all," Hoseok sarcastically said as he looked down the alleys to see people staring at them.

"Oh it's a very sketchy nightclub, but they've never had any major problems there. They've only had one person try to kill another so that's good," Yoongi said as Hoseok gulped, still feeling as scared as every.

Yoongi looked over at Hoseok, seeing the street they were meant to go down before making a right turn into an alley way.

"Yup! This is extremely sketchy!" Hoseok said as they pulled into a parking spot. Yoongi looked over to see a paranoid Hoseok, looking uncomfortable and making Yoongi feel bad.

"Do you wanna go home and cuddle? I'm sorry for forcing you into this, even thought I knew you were uncomfortable," Yoongi said, looking down as Hoseok looked over as his guilt-filled face.

"It's okay, I'll go in and see what it's like for a little bit. I don't wanna ruin your night by my personal fears," Hoseok said, softly smiling at Yoongi as he blushed.

He would go through all of that. . . for me? Yoongi thought as he kissed Hoseok's nose.

"How about we stay until midnight, and then we can go home and watch movies all night," Hoseok said as Yoongi nodded, the both of them getting out of the car.

They both walked down the abit more, hand in hand so they wouldn't loss each other in the darkness. After a few very short minutes, Yoongi stopped in front of, what looked to be, a rundown warehouse.

"We're here," Yoongi said as Hoseok softly gulped. Yoongi knocked on the door, a person answering a second later and looking at the two of them.

"Yoongi," said the male as he looked at Hoseok, the male looked very familiar to him.

"Taehyung!" Yoongi said with a smile on his face.

Ooooh! So that's the friends I've met Hoseok thought to himself as he showed his heart shaped smile.

"Hello Hoseok! Don't know if you remember me, but-" Taehyung started to say.

"I remember you, from the ice cream shops right?" Hoseok asked as Taehyung let out a gasp and nodding his head.

"You're such a keeper for dear Yoongi," Taehyung said as he whipped a fake tear out of his eyes.

"Oh shut up dumbass, can you let us inside now?" Yoongi asked with a red face as Taehyung laughed.

"Of course you can, do whatever you want, all your drinks are on me," Taehyung said as he opened the door wider for the both of them to walk into.

"Wow, this is a cool nightclub," Hoseok said as he looked around. . .

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