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"Wait, so I should wear a leather jacket, a white t-shirt and some black baggy pants?" Hoseok asked Jimin as the younger nodded, the elder of the two looking confused.

"Why the hell would I ever wear that? Like I don't know if I'd look good in it and this is just as friends, I don't like him like that." Hoseok said as Jimin rolled his eyes.

"He can be a dick sometimes but when he didn't hate me, he was really sweet and caring." Jimin said as Hoseok smirked to himself.

"I think I know my client well enough." Hoseok said as Jimin shook his head, going over to the closet and searching for clothes.

"Hyung, take this from someone who was close with Yoongi, you know next to nothing about him. His questions weren't the only thing that made most councilors hate him." Jimin said while handing him an outfit to wear.

"Now have fun on your date and be gentle with him, he may seem tough but he's really soft and sensitive on the inside." Jimin said before leaving the room, leave Hoseok alone in his thoughts.

"What does he mean by 'I know next to nothing about Yoongi?' I mean, it's been almost a month sense we started counciling and most only last a month." Hoseok said to himself as he started to undress, his tan skin glowing from the sunlight shinning in the widow that was placed right next to his bed.

"Then again, it has only been a month and Yoongi hasn't told me much. . ." Hoseok thought to himself as he put his pants on, softly slipping a shirt on before brushing his hand through his hair.

"Ugggggh, why is being a councilor so hardddddd." Hoseok whined to himself, going out of his room as he saw no sign of the younger.

Hoseok knew Jimin had left, he obviously didn't wanna deal with Hoseok's over-dramatic ass. But that also meant that Hoseok was all alone during this, his first meetup with Yoongi and he was already scared shit-less.

"This will be a fun experience, I will start to get to know Yoongi as a friend and we will have an amazing friendship!" Hoseok said to himself as Hoseok looked in the mirror and saw himself. He was wearing a white t-shirt with some black jeans.

"Might as wear a black leather jacket to complete Jimin's look for me." Hoseok said to himself, rolling his eyes as he got a leather jacket and styled his hair before leaving to go on his, not, date.

Who knows what'll happen, who they'll see, what they'll talk about or anything else.

( ;] )

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