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"Yoongi, can you at least try and be nice to the new councilor?" Seokjin asked Yoongi as they sat in the waiting area.

"I don't like this, why can't we go home?" Yoongi whined out as Seokjin intertwined their fingers, holding the youngers hand tightly as Jimin waked around the corner.

"Hello Yoongi, Seokjin." Jimin sweetly said as Seokjin smiled at him, Yoongi glared, causing Jimin to nervously laugh at the olders hatred for him.

"Is he still. . . ?" Jimin asked Seokjin as he nodded, making Jimin look down and feel horrible, again.

"I'd like to go home." Yoongi said as Seokjin patted his head, softly telling him 'no' as Yoongi pouted.

"I'll introduce you two to the new guy now." Jimin said as Seokjin nodded, pulling Yoongi with them as they walked down the hallway. After a few minutes of talking between Seokjin and Jimin, and Yoongi wanting nothing to do with the younger, they arrived in front of a wooden door.

"I don't wanna go, I regret letting you sign me up." Yoongi angrily said as Seokjin cupped his face, aggressively staring into Yoongi's eyes as Yoongi glared back.

"I fucking hate this." Yoongi angrily said as Seokjin's face started to transform into a glare rather then a 'you have too' face.

"I'll buy you ice cream afterwords and we can watch whatever you want when we get home." Seokjin said as Yoongi's anger went way, being replaced with cute kitten eyes and a cute lil pout on his doll-like lips.

"Can we binge all three seasons of Victorious?" Yoongi cutely asked as Seokjin cooed at him, how the hell could he ever say no this cute lil baby cat named Min Yoongi?

"Fine, but you have to be nice to the counciler." Seokjin said as Yoongi let out a loud groan, agreeing afterwords but making sure to let Seokjin know how much he hates this.

"Now let's go meet this new guy." Seokjin said as he opened the door, revealing a tall pinkish haired tan man sitting on the couch. He looked over at Yoongi, smiling at him with his heart shaped lips as Yoongi felt his heart stop.

"I can't fucking do this." Yoongi said as he walked out of the room, leaving the pink haired man confused as Seokjin chased after him.

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