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Sorry for updating late, I didn't get a good night of sleep last night and I have a test I needed to study for tomorrow

Hoseok had arrived home, he plopped down on his couch as his dong, Mickey, licking his face. Hoseok rolled onto his back, looking up at the ceiling as he pet Mickeys small head. He let out a soft sigh as he remembered Yoongi's lips on his, he softly touched his bottom lip, remembering how Yoongi had clung into him the whole day.

"Oh Mickey, what should I do?" Hoseok asked his dog, softly hugging him as he remembered that lady from the arcade area, specifically what she said about Yoongi and Hoseok.

"Did she really mean what she said? Do Yoongi and I act like a couple? I mean, friends kiss, right?" Hoseok asked Mickey, the small dog tilting his head to the side as Hoseok sighed.

"He's just so pretty, Mickey. I want him to know how much I like him but, but I'm scared he won't like me back. What if he only likes me as a friend? Or even as only a therapist? What if we do get together but then break up? What if he already has a boyfriend or girlfriend?! What if he doesn't like guys?!" Hoseok asked, seeming to get more and more stressed as he thought more and more about Yoongi's reaction to him liking the other.

Yeah, they were both oblivious as fuck.

Mickey, the only one more logical than Hoseok at the moment, softly licked Hoseok's hand. Hoseok looked down at him, softly smiling as he cuddled closer to his furrbaby.

"Whatever I do with my heart, I know I won't regret it. If Yoongi doesn't like me back, he doesn't like me back. If he does like me back, I guess we'll see what happens from then on." Hoseok said, softly falling asleep while holding Mickey in his arms.

Yoongi, on the other hand, arrived home to see a smiling Seokjin. Yoongi watched as his roommate danced his way across the kitchen. A way to always know Seokjins mood is by the baked goods he makes, cookies if he's nervous, brownies if he's happy, oatmeal raisin anything if he's angry and cupcakes if he's sad. Today, he was making brownies so he was in a happy mood.

Yoongi got closer to him, smelling the air as he looked at Seokjin pulling out his brownies. No, more like brownie-cupcakes. So he was happy but also sad?

"Hyung, why are you putting brownie mix into cupcake holders?" Yoongi asked as Seokjin smiled at him, handing him a cupcake. Yoongi looked at it, softly sniffing in that chocolate smell before taking a bite out of it.

He took a bite, tasting a horrible raisin taste as he spit it out.

"What is in this shit-cake?!" Yoongi yelled as he looked at Seokjins pissed face, knowing he was in trouble.

"I made these after I found out that you blocked and deleted Jimin's number from my phone. I made five thousand, seven hundred of these shit-cakes, as you call them. I now have five thousand, six hundred and nine of these brownie-raisin-cupcake monstrosity that I have to get rid of." Seokjin said, walking into his room and slamming the door as Yoongi looked at him. Officially seeing how pissed he was.

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