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"So how was it?" Seokjin asked Yoongi as he grabbed his hand, wanting to go home.

"I can safely say that it went well." Seokjin smiled at Jimin as he smiled back, the smaller looking down before opening his mouth again to say something as nothing came out.

"Can we go home?" Yoongi asked as Seokjin focused his attention back onto Yoongi, nodding before they both walked outside.

"Oh I forgot something! You don't have to come for this one, you can just bring the car upfront." Yoongi said as he walked back in and over to Jimin.

"Hello Yoongi, did you forget something?" Jimin asked as Yoongi for closer to him, glaring at him.

"I know you like Seokjin hyung, back off dibshit. He's already taken by somebody and nobody is gonna ruin that ship for me. So if I see you trying to flirt with my Hyung one more time, I won't hesitate to slam your head into a wall." Yoongi said as he back away, Jimin looking as if he would cry before nodded. He didn't want to mess with Yoongi's dreamworld, and if Seokjin had somebody else he couldn't do anything about it.

"H-Have a nice r-rest of your d-day." Jimin softly said to Yoongi as he nodded, walking away and into Seokjin's car before driving away.

"Hey Jimin do you- are you ok?!" Hoseok yelled out as he enclosed Jimin in a tight hug, nobody was in there so it didn't look bad for the company.

"I-I'm fine *hick* I-I just *hick* I j-just hurt my-my- *hick* myself *hick*." Jimin said as the tried to calm himself down, Hoseok nodded like he believed the younger but he knew he was lying.

"Do you wanna go get some ice cream with me? I don't have any other clients the rest of the day and you're on your break soon, so?" Hoseok asked as Jimin smiled, nodding as they both walked out of the building. They both went into Hoseok's car and started driving to an ice cream shop.

"Do you wanna talk about what really happened?" Hoseok asked Jimin as he looked over at him.

"I just hurt myself and it really hurt." Jimin said as Hoseok sighed.

"You know you can tell me this stuff, I'm your friend and I'm here for you, Jimin." Hoseok said as he held Jimin's hand, the younger smiled at the orders actions as they parked and walked up to the ice cream shop.

Both of them surprised to see, not one but two familiar faces as both Seokjin and Yoongi looked back at them. A tall tan guy was at the register, slightly glaring at them as Seokjin happily waved to them.

"Oh fuck." Jimin said making Hoseok looked at him as Seokjin ran over to them, both of them wanting to dash out of there and never stop running.

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