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Context : They had s*x

It was early morning, 6am probably as Hoseok felt his eyes slightly open. The first think he saw when he woke up was Yoongi's face, feeling blessed as he blush bright red.

Hoseok brushed back the loose strands of hair on Yoongi's peaceful face. Hoseok watched as Yoongi breathed, his lips slightly parted, breathing in and out every few seconds. Hoseok softly kissed Yoongi's eyes lids, not being able to resist himself as he saw the small droplets of tears from last night.

With those kisses, Yoongi's eyes did slightly open. Yoongi, barley opening his eyes a centimeter, looked at Hoseok with a soft smile on his face, cuddling closer to him. Hoseok, feeling all lovey-dovey this morning, softly kissed Yoongi's lips. Yoongi smiled at that, softly pouting out his lips as Hoseok smirked, pulling Yoongi in for a small make out season, pulling away a few minutes later.

"You're inside of me," Yoongi said as Hoseok looked down, seeing his dick inside of Yoongi.

"Well, we did fuck and that's what people who fuck do," Hoseok said as Yoongi giggled, pulling him in for another kiss.

"Well this was an experience, thanks for taking my virginity," Yoongi said as Hoseok looked at him.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know! If I did I wouldn't have takin it from you, I'm so sorry," Hoseok said, softly pecking his lips as Yoongi giggled.

"Don't worry, I'm glad my innocence was taken by somebody as amazing as you," Yoongi said as Hoseok smiled, kissing Yoongi's cheek.

"Seokie, i have a question for you," Yoongi said as Hoseok let out a soft 'mhm', saying he wanted to hear it.

"What does love mean to you? What does a lover mean to you?" Yoongi asked as he looked at Hoseok think.

Yoongi watched Hoseok, the sun hitting his face in the most beautiful way, even as if he was glowing.

"Love to me means a certain type of happiness that you can't get with objects, it's a feeling in your heart with somebody in your life, platonic or not. A lover, on the other hand, is the person who I feel a certain type of love for, a more sexual and caring type of love that I wouldn't have for somebody like my family member. For me, gender doesn't really matter, as long as they are kind and caring and a good person to me and others, then they could be my lover," Hoseok said as Yoongi nodded, pushing his lips into Hoseok's as they slowly moved their lips together.

They both held each other very close, making out and feeling that love in their hearts.

"You should probably pull out of me now, as much as I love you being inside of me, I kinda gotta get up and shower," Yoongi said as Hoseok smirked.

"Oh so you like me being inside of you? Maybe I'll just keep myself parked here for afew more minutes, maybe even come back again, if you know what I mean," Hoseok said as Yoongi softly smacked him.

"Fuck off," Yoongi said with a red face, Hoseok letting out a soft smirk before pinning him to the wall.

"You're so cute when you're flustered," Hoseok said as Yoongi blushed even hard, if possible.

"Shut the fuck up," Yoongi said as Hoseok connected their lips again, the two of them sweetly kissed.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The both of them heard a loud voice as they looked at the door, seeing Seokjin staring at them.

"Oh fuck. . ." Yoongi and Hoseok said at the same time, the both of them scared.

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