Chapter 3 - School Can Be Fun

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Bryan's POV

I grip the bridge of my nose, this schools more annoying than I thought. "You coming?" Blondie asks and, to my displeasure, I follow her once again downstairs to a class labeled CA1.

People enter and the class fills up rather quickly and before I know it there's only one seat left and the person in front of me sends a grin up my lips.

I walk towards the seat on the fourth row of the last column from the left, beside the windows. I walk over to the person who still hadn't noticed me and was talking to an African-American and right behind her is.

I hold myself from face-palming myself. Not her again I say in my head as goldy seems to be the one in my right.

I walk further noticing the effectiveness of the window. At least I can look out the window and pretend to not hear her if she decides to talk to me. I walk to the seat passing behind the girl he is talking to and take the seat.

"Hey," The cute one asks dropping her conversation with him. "Ignore him he can be a little...too much." The girls turn to look at Sam, whose eyes have locked with mine.

"You don't sound happy so see me even though you brought me here," I say with a blank tone. He returns the gaze and rolls his eyes.

"Erm do you need a notebook? I've got some extras," she says stretching into her bag. Ow yeah, I need that for school. Meh.

"He already has one Tori," he says with a look that does not scream polite "I don't remember saying I'd pay you for that but thanks anyway," I say as I take the book, a pen already in it.

The cuter girl flashes me a smile, "I'm Joana Heartwell and since you already know these two," she says gesturing at the others.

"Not really, we never really got to exchange names, I'm Victoria Wilson," she says her eyes showing that warm sky blue look and something about it sends a ringing through my head.

Sam fakes a cough, then uses his eyes to draw my attention to the girls who are waiting for my name. "Then tell them yourself, you know them not me."

I like being me. I say with pleasure as I skip my eyes over Sam's glare as well as the slight change in their expressions leave me to my rest.

"His name is Ziou Xion, he has testicular cancer that's why he's now coming."

I raise an eyebrow to Sam, a little smile on his face, the girls having a puzzled expression between the two of us. So that's how he wants to play.

"Yes quite serious, and as such, I have a special a treatment that involves virgins." I look over to the girls as it seems even Sam's lost at sea. "I know it's a lot but would you two please sacrifice for the good cause, as he did for me."

Now my turn to laugh, turning Sam's statement about 'cancer' to him giving up his virginity. "Okay I know you two are joking, but Sam are you into..."

Sam now unable to talk, falling from his attack just rakes a hand through his hair. "No, I'm into girls Tori."

My eye travels to the girl in question and it's almost like her features look relaxed after being tensed.

"You two are quite the pair, old friend?" Tori asks the later addressed to Sam. Good she gets the message I'm not the talking type.

"Yeah, meet Bryan Hearts, your usual idiot." "Says the one who came up with that name. You could have tried a little bit harder you know," I reply with a roll of my eyes.

A sturdy bald man of my height in a suit comes into the class, with a bag in hand marking the beginning of the class.

"I knew I should have taken the hoody," I utter, the man already looking like he'll bore me to death and I need my music without interruptions.

Regardless I slip in the earpiece into my ears, Joana catching my eye as she notices. She shakes her head lightly but smiles the turns back to the man.

It's been nearly one hour since class started and this man doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon even though it's almost time to change the lesson.

I stare at the man called Mr. Chesterfield who has been teaching chemistry non-stop and from what he just wrote on the board it was on electrolysis.

Had it not been for my earpiece whose color is the same as my skin so he couldn't notice, something I was very specific about when getting one for that reason, I would have been asleep a long time ago.

I stealthy remove the devices in my ears and take a sip of water I stole from Sam while the man keeps on talking trying to explain the topic as some people try to understand it.

Yawn. I accidentally let out a loud yawn that does not go unheard by every ear, Sam shooting me a sinister look and Victoria and Joana looks of Are you crazy? and You've got guts respectively.

Mr. Chesterfield glares at me before saying in a British accent, "Since you find my lesson so boring why don't you come and teach the class," he says with a scowl on his face.

"No need sir, I only yawned because I had listened to you consistently trying to explain the topic to the best of your abilities," I say as the class laughs and his eyes widen at the mock of 'best of your abilities'.

To show his superiority and mature nature, he musters up fake bravo before throwing his shot at me.

"Well since you said you had been listening to all the definitions I gave, why don't you teach your fellow mates what you picked up," he says with mischief in his dark brown eyes. Using my own words against me.

A grin grows on my face and the pained look on his face as he fears I actually did listen. Hell nah I didn't get shit but it's not like you know that. I say inwardly as I walk to the teacher's table near the window.

I approach the table with an apple and a laptop on it. I notice a shelf behind it with some apparatus as well as one of his phones, an old model iPhone. I grab the big plastic rectangular container and walk out of the class

I return, the container halfway filled as I place it on the table in the middle of the front row belonging to a goth chick, she rolls her eyes as I point to the table.

I reach again to the shelves and pull out thick plastic gloves and take the phone and laptop with me earning wild gazes from everyone. Mr. Chesterfield is about to say something when I comment.

"As your substitute teacher I must make you understand both theory and partials and fill the gaps my esteemed predecessor left, please do not make any side comment and talk only when you're asked to," looking directly at Mr. Chesterfield and Sam.

With the water on the table, I pull it back so that everyone can have at least a reasonable view of what I'm about to do.

"Electrolysis is a separation technique that is used to separate ions from one another. As ions can only move when liquid or in solution, for electrolysis to take place, the compound being separated must be in either of these forms.

Only compounds with ionic bonding can be separated like this like table salt," I say ignoring the disappointed look on his face as I walk to the back and take a reasonably big stone of Sodium Chloride and put it into the water.

I take a wire and insert it into the charging ports of both devices. I hold them both firmly near the water which had dissolved the salt and Mr. Chesterfield as well as Sam's eyes, and probably the rest of the class, widen in shock as they realize what I'm about to do next.

I dip both devices into the water and as sparks fly, a white substance comes around the laptop, and gas is emitted.

"As you can see, the phone had negative charges in its battery and the laptop bearing negative ones," I start ignoring the astonished looks on everyone's faces, evens Sam's are more of a shock than anger as compared to the red turning elf who is too stunned to speak.

"Because of this the water which had dissolved NaCl was charged and cause the elements of the salt to break apart, the Chlorine leaving the entire solution rather than dissolving for reasons I have no idea about but be sure to ask our beloved teacher after. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did."

I say with a small grin on my face as the bell sounds signaling break for 30 minutes, as I pat the man whose blood was boiling as I exit the class with some clapping at my antics.

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