Chapter 13

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[NB: This chapter is going to be longer compared to the others and I couldnt really split it. Thank you for reading]

Victoria's POV

I'm late! I step harder on the gas pedal but not too much that I break the speed limit. If it wasn't because I don't like being late I wouldn't have been so worried inside, that and he also is what'll make me fail or pass my class.

"Turn to your left in five meters," the navigation system blurts out as I slow down and turn on my indicator before making a left turn.

I look around for the restaurant but I don't seem to find it, "Turn to your left," the GPS lets out as I take a left turn earning a few horn blows from some drivers, "Turn to your left," it lets out one time too many.

I park the car before taking out the phone, "Turn...turn...right...left," it buzzes as I rapidly tap on the home button on the screen but to no avail. Even worse is that it goes off suddenly.

Damned phone, I mutter under my breath. I get out of the car, putting my phone into my pocket, and slam it shut behind me and walk around looking for the place.

"4th...5th...6th Street!" I exclaim getting a few looks before I lightly jogging to the street where the restaurant, well more like an actual cafe, with the words Café written in front.

I push the glass doors open, the soft bell chiming above me as I walkthrough. Luckily the counter isn't really occupied, only one person standing in front talking to the lady behind.

The blond woman looking maybe twenty dismisses the man in front with a package in hand. I gag inwardly at the pink dress, nice on her but just not my style, as if a dress is my style.

I scoff inwardly with a smile at how many times Joana had to beg, drag, or force me before I would get into one.

"Hello how may I help you," she says with a warm smile but her tone as bubbly as it is seeming more like a rehearsed line.

"Have you seen a guy with copper hair, extremely messy, green eyes, leather jacket?" I ask taking my phone out but I stop midway remembering its state. "You might have to be a little bit more specific," she asks not even looking at me.

I took my eyes at her, "He's about 6ft tall, pierced ears looks like he has abs," don't forget the made of steel part and the muscles.

"That okay for you?" I ask a little bit agitated as her cheeks become a little red and not from blush.

"Hot, good looking or meh?" " How is that even related to this?" I ask raising my hands up and dropping them back to my side. The day I ever call him hot he might as well call me Goldie locks.

"Details, I meet a lot of people every day you know," "At least you admit you're a whore," I mutter under my breath. "Excuse me?"

"I said have you den him or not?" She simply shrugs at me before yelling but not too loudly for the next person. I walk out of the line behind me.

I look around the small groups of people, from the people in business pants to the high heeled 70s to the leather jacket and a helmet on the table.

Helmet on the table? I turn my head slightly and sure enough, there's a helmet on the table with someone who's hair the sun decided to play with, shining in a messy mixture of red copper finishing his burger and a platter of fries in front of him.

Found you. I walk over to him, my feet making low taps that don't get the attention of anyone. His eyes are closed as he slowly bobs his head to the something probably music from his air pods.

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